- Titel
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Beschreibung
- Lizenz
- type (quiqqer-module, quiqqer-plugin, quiqqer-template, quiqqer-application)
- description (Kurzbeschreibung)
- licence (Lizenz)
- Titel
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Paket Image / Logo
- Screenshots
- forum
- source
- issues
- wiki
- name
- license
- Header Image
- Readme wird mindestens in englisch geschrieben
- Bei Module und Apps kommt Entwickler weg
- Bei Plugins wird dies zu Usage
- Github Icon
- dev getestet
- master getestet
- Meilenstein erstellt
- Version erstellt
Neueste zuerst Älteste zuerst
Alle Aktivitäten anzeigen Nur Kommentare anzeigen Nur Verlauf anzeigen
- Autor(in) Owner
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item Titel as completed
marked the checklist item Titel as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item Kurzbeschreibung as completed
marked the checklist item Kurzbeschreibung as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item Titel as completed
marked the checklist item Titel as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item Kurzbeschreibung as completed
marked the checklist item Kurzbeschreibung as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item Support as completed
marked the checklist item Support as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item email as completed
marked the checklist item email as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item forum as completed
marked the checklist item forum as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item source as completed
marked the checklist item source as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item issues as completed
marked the checklist item issues as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item wiki as completed
marked the checklist item wiki as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item name as completed
marked the checklist item name as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item description (Kurzbeschreibung) as completed
marked the checklist item description (Kurzbeschreibung) as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item Paket Image / Logo as completed
marked the checklist item Paket Image / Logo as completed
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item type (quiqqer-module, quiqqer-plugin, quiqqer-template, quiqqer-application) as completed
marked the checklist item type (quiqqer-module, quiqqer-plugin, quiqqer-template, quiqqer-application) as completed
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item Header Image as completed
marked the checklist item Header Image as completed
- Autor(in) Owner
@Gerd Hast du hier eine package.xml angelegt? War nämlich abgeharkt
Bearbeitet bei Henning Leutz - Henning Leutz marked the checklist item Support as incomplete
marked the checklist item Support as incomplete
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item email as incomplete
marked the checklist item email as incomplete
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item forum as incomplete
marked the checklist item forum as incomplete
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item source as incomplete
marked the checklist item source as incomplete
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item issues as incomplete
marked the checklist item issues as incomplete
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item wiki as incomplete
marked the checklist item wiki as incomplete
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item Paket Image / Logo as incomplete
marked the checklist item Paket Image / Logo as incomplete
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item Kurzbeschreibung as incomplete
marked the checklist item Kurzbeschreibung as incomplete
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item Titel as incomplete
marked the checklist item Titel as incomplete
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item Github Icon as completed
marked the checklist item Github Icon as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item Titel as completed
marked the checklist item Titel as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item Kurzbeschreibung as completed
marked the checklist item Kurzbeschreibung as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item Support as completed
marked the checklist item Support as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item email as completed
marked the checklist item email as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item forum as completed
marked the checklist item forum as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item source as completed
marked the checklist item source as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item issues as completed
marked the checklist item issues as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item wiki as completed
marked the checklist item wiki as completed
- Gerd Krause marked the checklist item Paket Image / Logo as completed
marked the checklist item Paket Image / Logo as completed
- Henning Leutz changed milestone to %Version 1.0
changed milestone to %Version 1.0
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item Lizenz as completed
marked the checklist item Lizenz as completed
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item license as completed
marked the checklist item license as completed
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item Copyright as completed
marked the checklist item Copyright as completed
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item licence (Lizenz) as completed
marked the checklist item licence (Lizenz) as completed
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item Composer as completed
marked the checklist item Composer as completed
- Henning Leutz marked the checklist item Meilenstein erstellt as completed
marked the checklist item Meilenstein erstellt as completed
- Autor(in) Owner
@michael.daniel kannst du hierfür noch paar Screenshots machen?
- Henning Leutz assigned to @michael.daniel and unassigned @henbug
assigned to @michael.daniel and unassigned @henbug
- Autor(in) Owner
@mor wie läuft das, ist der Text in der README für dich ok? Da das Bausteine Modul doch etwas grösser ist weis ich nicht welche Texte du hier für den Store haben möchtest.
- Michael Danielczok assigned to @henbug and unassigned @michael.daniel
assigned to @henbug and unassigned @michael.daniel
- Maintainer
Bilder sind schon auch im Repo (dev).
- Owner
@henbug texte sind hier
müssen aber funktionell noch erweitert werden.