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Code-Schnipsel Gruppen Projekte
Commit 1926266a erstellt von Henning Leutz's avatar Henning Leutz :martial_arts_uniform:
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Merge branch 'next-2.x' into 'main'

fix: use foobar.locale instead of a real domain -.-

See merge request !46
Übergeordnete 9334c060 4293db9e
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2 Merge Requests!50Update 'next-3.x' with latest changes from 'main',!46fix: use foobar.locale instead of a real domain -.-
Pipeline #8913 mit Warnungen bestanden mit Phasen
in 51 Sekunden
......@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ public function execute(): void
"Use the following host handle for email-addresses []: "
"Use the following host handle for email-addresses [@foobar.local]: "
$emailHandle = $this->readInput();
if (empty($emailHandle)) {
$emailHandle = '';
$emailHandle = '@foobar.local';
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