
Henning Leutz
1Running with gitlab-runner 17.5.3 (12030cf4)2 on GitLab CI Runner sc_BewxeB, system ID: s_6319c6f992f34Using Docker executor with image php:8.3-cli ...5Pulling docker image php:8.3-cli ...6Using docker image sha256:f621d97da9c24d748259817a9a6f81d6e56c4c0245fa22f7dd92218f5b9a2a7c for php:8.3-cli with digest php@sha256:d92b3d28a574af7b5af94010afd71f4fe5073546df939a8e4bce5c9ffc1d7602 ...8Running on runner-scbewxeb-project-594-concurrent-0 via qui-gitlab-runner...10Fetching changes...11Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/quiqqer/timeline/.git/12Checking out 6a410972 as detached HEAD (ref is next-3.x)...13Skipping Git submodules setup15Checking cache for v1.4.0-protected...16No URL provided, cache will not be downloaded from shared cache server. Instead a local version of cache will be extracted. 17Successfully extracted cache19Using docker image sha256:f621d97da9c24d748259817a9a6f81d6e56c4c0245fa22f7dd92218f5b9a2a7c for php:8.3-cli with digest php@sha256:d92b3d28a574af7b5af94010afd71f4fe5073546df939a8e4bce5c9ffc1d7602 ...20$ php -r "if(!file_exists('${PHAR_FILE}')) {echo 'Downloading ${PHAR_FILE}...' . PHP_EOL; copy('${PHAR_VERSION}/${PHAR_FILE}', '${PHAR_FILE}');}"21$ php ${PHAR_FILE} -j $(nproc --all) --colors --no-progress .22PHP 8.3.17 | 4 parallel jobs23Checked 5 files in 0.1 seconds24No syntax error found26Creating cache v1.4.0-protected...27parallel-lint.phar: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 28Archive is up to date! 29Created cache31Job succeeded