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refactor: erp#78

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......@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
<event on="onQuiqqerOrderShippingOnEmpty"
<event on="onQuiqqerOrderInit"
<event on="onUserSaveBegin"
......@@ -298,13 +298,13 @@
<de><![CDATA[Standard Versand]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Default shipping]]></en>
<locale name="shipping.defaultShipping.settings.defaultShipping">
<de><![CDATA[Standard Versand]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Default shipping]]></en>
<locale name="shipping.defaultShipping.settings.defaultShippingPrice">
<de><![CDATA[Standardversand Preis]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Default shipping price]]></en>
<locale name="shipping.defaultShipping.settings.defaultShipping.desc">
<de><![CDATA[Lege fest welcher Versand als Standard Versand verwendet werden soll.]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Specify which shipping should be used as default shipping.]]></en>
<locale name="shipping.defaultShipping.settings.defaultShippingPrice.desc">
<de><![CDATA[Lege fest welcher Preis als Standardversand verwendet werden soll.]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Specify which price should be used as default shipping.]]></en>
<locale name="shipping.defaultShipping.settings.addDefaultShipping">
<de><![CDATA[Standard Versand automatisch hinzufügen]]></de>
......@@ -312,16 +312,27 @@
<locale name="shipping.defaultShipping.settings.addDefaultShipping.desc">
Der Standard Versand wird einer Bestellung hinzugefügt falls diese Bestellung noch keinen Versand hat.
Diese Einstellung hat nur Auswirkung im Backend und nicht auf Frontend Aktionen.
Wenn ein Nutzer eine Bestellung ausführt, wird dieser Versand nicht beachtet.
Der Standard Versand wird einer Artikelliste hinzugefügt, wenn diese noch keinen Versand zugeordnet hat.
Diese Einstellung hat nur Auswirkung in der Verwaltung und nicht im Frontend des Shops.
The default shipping will be added to an order if this order has no shipping yet.
This setting has effect only in backend and not on frontend actions.
When a user executes an order, this shipping is ignored.
The default shipping is added to an item list if it does not have a shipping assigned yet.
This setting has effect only in the administration and not in the frontend of the store.
<locale name="shipping.defaultShipping.settings.defaultShippingTitle">
<de><![CDATA[Titel des Standard Versand]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Title of standard shipping]]></en>
<locale name="shipping.defaultShipping.settings.defaultShippingTitle.desc">
<de><![CDATA[Dieser Text wird als Titel des Versands in der Artikelliste verwendet.]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[This text will be used as the title of the shipment in the item list.]]></en>
<locale name="shipping.default.pricefactor">
<groups name="quiqqer/shipping" datatype="php">
......@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
<conf name="defaultShipping">
<conf name="addDefaultShipping">
<conf name="defaultShippingPrice">
<section name="no_rules">
......@@ -157,29 +157,40 @@
<locale group="quiqqer/shipping" var="shipping.defaultShipping.settings.title"/>
<input conf="shipping.defaultShipping"
<input conf="shipping.addDefaultShipping" type="checkbox">
<locale group="quiqqer/shipping"
<locale group="quiqqer/shipping"
<input conf="shipping.addDefaultShipping" type="checkbox">
<input conf="shipping.defaultShippingPrice">
<locale group="quiqqer/shipping"
<locale group="quiqqer/shipping"
<input type="hidden"
<locale group="quiqqer/shipping"
<locale group="quiqqer/shipping"
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
use function explode;
use function json_decode;
use function method_exists;
use function strpos;
* Class EventHandler
......@@ -513,18 +514,44 @@ public static function onQuiqqerOrderShippingOnEmpty(QUI\ERP\Order\AbstractOrder
$Config = QUI::getPackage('quiqqer/shipping')->getConfig();
$default = $Config->getValue('shipping', 'defaultShipping');
$add = $Config->getValue('shipping', 'addDefaultShipping');
$Config = QUI::getPackage('quiqqer/shipping')->getConfig();
$add = $Config->getValue('shipping', 'addDefaultShipping');
if (empty($add)) {
try {
$Shipping = Shipping::getInstance()->getShippingEntry($default);
$Articles = $Order->getArticles();
$PriceFactors = $Articles->getPriceFactors();
// check if shipping factor exist
$shippingFactor = null;
$factors = $PriceFactors->toArray();
foreach ($factors as $factor) {
if (strpos($factor['identifier'], 'shipping-pricefactor-default') !== false) {
$shippingFactor = $factor;
if (!$shippingFactor) {
$PriceFactor = Shipping::getInstance()->getDefaultPriceFactor();
} catch (QUI\Exception $Exception) {
* @param \QUI\ERP\Order\AbstractOrder $Order
* @return void
* @throws \QUI\Exception
public static function onQuiqqerOrderInit(QUI\ERP\Order\AbstractOrder $Order)
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
use function array_map;
use function array_merge;
use function array_unique;
use function count;
use function explode;
use function floatval;
use function is_array;
......@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
use function json_decode;
use function json_encode;
use function round;
use function strpos;
use function strtotime;
use function time;
use function trim;
......@@ -484,7 +486,7 @@ public function canUsedInOrder($Order)
if ($articleFound && $articleOnly && \count($articleList) !== 1) {
if ($articleFound && $articleOnly && count($articleList) !== 1) {
"{$this->getTitle()} :: is not a single article"
......@@ -653,7 +655,7 @@ public function canUsedInOrder($Order)
/* @var $Factor QUI\ERP\Products\Interfaces\PriceFactorInterface */
foreach ($PriceFactors as $Factor) {
if ($Factor->getIdentifier() === 'shipping-pricefactor') {
if (strpos($Factor->getIdentifier(), 'shipping-pricefactor') !== false) {
$ShippingFactor = $Factor;
......@@ -8,8 +8,14 @@
use QUI;
use QUI\ERP\Order\AbstractOrder;
use QUI\ERP\Shipping\Types\Factory;
use QUI\ERP\Shipping\Api\AbstractShippingProvider;
use QUI\ERP\Shipping\Types\Factory;
use function array_keys;
use function count;
use function key;
use function max;
use function strpos;
* Shipping
......@@ -291,7 +297,7 @@ public function getShippingPriceFactorByOrder(AbstractOrder $Order)
foreach ($PriceFactors as $PriceFactor) {
/* @var $PriceFactor QUI\ERP\Products\Utils\PriceFactor */
if ($PriceFactor->getIdentifier() === 'shipping-pricefactor') {
if (strpos($PriceFactor->getIdentifier(), 'shipping-pricefactor') !== false) {
return $PriceFactor;
......@@ -414,6 +420,88 @@ public function getShippingByOrderId($orderId)
return $this->getShippingByObject($Order);
* @return \QUI\ERP\Products\Utils\PriceFactor
* @throws \QUI\Exception
public function getDefaultPriceFactor(): QUI\ERP\Products\Utils\PriceFactor
$price = QUI::getPackage('quiqqer/shipping')
->getValue('shipping', 'defaultShippingPrice');
$price = QUI\ERP\Money\Price::validatePrice($price);
$PriceFactor = new QUI\ERP\Products\Utils\PriceFactor([
'identifier' => 'shipping-pricefactor-default',
'title' => QUI::getLocale()->get('quiqqer/shipping', 'shipping.default.pricefactor'),
'description' => '',
'calculation' => QUI\ERP\Accounting\Calc::CALCULATION_COMPLEMENT,
'value' => $price,
'visible' => true,
'currency' => QUI\ERP\Defaults::getCurrency()->getCode()
return $PriceFactor;
* Returns the var of an order
* @param $Order
* @return float|int|mixed|string|null
* @throws \QUI\Exception
public function getOrderVat($Order)
/* @var $Article QUI\ERP\Accounting\Article */
$Articles = $Order->getArticles();
$vats = [];
foreach ($Articles as $Article) {
$vat = $Article->getVat();
$price = $Article->getPrice()->getValue();
if (!isset($vats[(string)$vat])) {
$vats[(string)$vat] = 0;
$vats[(string)$vat] = $vats[(string)$vat] + $price;
// @todo implement VAT setting for shipping
// look at vat, which vat should be used
if (!count($vats) && !$Order->getCustomer()) {
// use default vat
$Area = QUI\ERP\Defaults::getArea();
$TaxType = QUI\ERP\Tax\Utils::getTaxTypeByArea($Area);
$TaxEntry = QUI\ERP\Tax\Utils::getTaxEntry($TaxType, $Area);
return $TaxEntry->getValue();
if (!count($vats) && $Order->getCustomer()) {
$Tax = QUI\ERP\Tax\Utils::getTaxByUser($Order->getCustomer());
return $Tax->getValue();
if (count($vats) === 1) {
// use article vat
return key($vats);
if (count($vats)) {
// get max, use the max VAT if multiple exists
return max(array_keys($vats));
return 0;
* Notify customer about an Order status change (via e-mail)
......@@ -435,8 +523,8 @@ public function sendStatusChangeNotification(
if (empty($customerEmail)) {
'Status change notification for order #'.$Order->getPrefixedId().' cannot be sent'
.' because customer #'.$Customer->getId().' has no e-mail address.'
'Status change notification for order #' . $Order->getPrefixedId() . ' cannot be sent'
. ' because customer #' . $Customer->getId() . ' has no e-mail address.'
......@@ -15,11 +15,7 @@
use QUI\Permissions\Permission;
use QUI\Translator;
use function array_keys;
use function count;
use function json_encode;
use function key;
use function max;
use function method_exists;
use function round;
......@@ -760,7 +756,7 @@ public function toPriceFactor(
$PriceFactor = new QUI\ERP\Products\Utils\PriceFactor([
'identifier' => 'shipping-pricefactor',
'identifier' => 'shipping-pricefactor-' . $this->getId(),
'title' => QUI::getLocale()->get('quiqqer/shipping', 'shipping.order.title', [
'shipping' => $this->getTitle($Locale)
......@@ -781,31 +777,9 @@ public function toPriceFactor(
return $PriceFactor;
/* @var $Article QUI\ERP\Accounting\Article */
$Articles = $Order->getArticles();
$vats = [];
foreach ($Articles as $Article) {
$vat = $Article->getVat();
$price = $Article->getPrice()->getValue();
if (!isset($vats[(string)$vat])) {
$vats[(string)$vat] = 0;
$vats[(string)$vat] = $vats[(string)$vat] + $price;
// look at vat, which vat should be used
if (count($vats) === 1) {
} else {
// get max, use the max VAT if multiple exists
// @todo implement VAT setting for shipping
$maxVat = max(array_keys($vats));
return $PriceFactor;
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