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Commit 66e396ba erstellt von Patrick Müller's avatar Patrick Müller
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feat: recurring payments (temp commit)

Übergeordneter 3ae38d99
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werden angezeigt mit 2190 Ergänzungen und 49 Löschungen
use QUI\ERP\Order\Handler;
use QUI\ERP\Payments\Amazon\Recurring\BillingAgreements;
use QUI\ERP\Payments\Amazon\AmazonPayException;
use QUI\Utils\Security\Orthos;
* Create / set up a billing agreement with Amazon Pay
* @param string $billingAgreementId - Amazon BillingAgreementId; if false try to retrieve from Order
* @param string $orderHash - Unique order hash to identify Order
* @return bool - success
* @throws AmazonPayException
function ($billingAgreementId, $orderHash) {
$orderHash = Orthos::clear($orderHash);
try {
$Order = Handler::getInstance()->getOrderByHash($orderHash);
BillingAgreements::setBillingAgreementDetails(Orthos::clear($billingAgreementId), $Order);
} catch (AmazonPayException $Exception) {
throw $Exception;
} catch (\Exception $Exception) {
return false;
return true;
['billingAgreementId', 'orderHash']
......@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ $GoToStep = new OrderProcessStepPayments([
'Order' => $Order
// Differentiate between standard order and recurring payment
if ($_REQUEST['AuthenticationStatus'] === 'Success') {
// If the SCA was successful -> Authorize the Order
try {
[data-qui="package/quiqqer/order/bin/frontend/controls/OrderProcess"] > .qui-loader {
z-index: 1000 !important;
.quiqqer-payment-paypal-recurring-paymentdisplay-btn {
background: #ffc439;
color: #111;
.fa-paypal {
font-family: FontAwesome, "Font Awesome 5 Brands";
.fa-paypal:before {
content: "\f1ed";
\ No newline at end of file
Dieser Diff ist reduziert.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<table name="amazon_billing_agreements">
<field type="VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL">amazon_agreement_id</field>
<field type="MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL">customer</field>
<field type="VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL">global_process_id</field>
<field type="TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1">active</field>
<table name="amazon_billing_agreement_transactions">
<field type="VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL">amazon_transaction_id</field>
<field type="VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL">amazon_agreement_id</field>
<field type="MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL">amazon_transaction_data</field>
<field type="DATETIME NOT NULL">amazon_transaction_date</field>
<field type="VARCHAR(255) NULL">quiqqer_transaction_id</field>
<field type="TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0">quiqqer_transaction_completed</field>
<field type="VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL">global_process_id</field>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -21,6 +21,15 @@
<de><![CDATA[Komfortable Bezahlung mit ihrem Amazon-Konto.]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Comfortable payment with your Amazon account.]]></en>
<locale name="payment.recurring.title">
<de><![CDATA[Amazon Pay - Wiederkehrende Zahlungen]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Amazon Pay - Recurring payments]]></en>
<locale name="payment.recurring.description">
<de><![CDATA[Komfortable Bezahlung mit ihrem Amazon-Konto.]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Comfortable payment with your Amazon account.]]></en>
<locale name="payment.step.title">
<de><![CDATA[Bezahlung mit Amazon]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Payment with Amazon]]></en>
......@@ -258,6 +267,34 @@
<en><![CDATA[The payment process with Amazon was not successful. Your chosen payment method was not debited. Please try again or choose another payment method.]]></en>
<!-- BillingAgreements -->
<locale name="recurring.BillingAgreement.seller_note">
<de><![CDATA[Ihre Abonnement aus Bestellung [orderId] auf [url]]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Your subscription from order [orderId] at [url]]]></en>
<!-- BillingAgreements -->
<locale name="history.BillingAgreement.set_details">
<de><![CDATA[Amazon Pay :: Details für wiederkehrende Zahlung festgelegt (Amazon BillingAgreement ID: [billingAgreementId])]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Amazon Pay :: Details for recurring payment set (Amazon BillingAgreement ID: [billingAgreementId])]]></en>
<locale name="history.BillingAgreement.confirm_billing_agreement">
<de><![CDATA[Amazon Pay :: Wiederkehrende Zahlung eingerichtet]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Amazon Pay :: Recurring payment set up]]></en>
<locale name="history.BillingAgreement.confirm_billing_agreement_error">
<de><![CDATA[Amazon Pay :: Wiederkehrende Zahlung konnte nicht eingerichtet werden]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Amazon Pay :: Recurring payment could not be set up]]></en>
<locale name="history.BillingAgreement.validate_billing_agreement">
<de><![CDATA[Amazon Pay :: Wiederkehrende Zahlung validiert; das Amazon-Konto des Kunden kann nun für wiederkehrende Zahlungen verwendet werden]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Amazon Pay :: Recurring payment validated; the Amazon account of the customer is now usable for recurring payments]]></en>
<locale name="history.BillingAgreement.billing_agreement_not_validated">
<de><![CDATA[Amazon Pay :: Wiederkehrende Zahlung konnte nicht validiert werden]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Amazon Pay :: Recurring payment could not be validated]]></en>
<groups name="quiqqer/payment-amazon" datatype="js">
......@@ -303,6 +340,12 @@
<de><![CDATA[Beim Bezahlungsvorgang mit Amazon Pay ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die Zahlung konnte nicht durchgeführt werden. Ihre ausgewählte Zahlungsweise wurde nicht belastet. Bitte wählen Sie eine andere Zahlungsweise.]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[An error occurred while paying with Amazon Pay. The payment could not be processed. Your selected payment method has not been charged. Please choose a different payment method.]]></en>
<!-- Control: recurring/PaymentDisplay -->
<locale name="controls.recurring.PaymentDisplay.consent_denied">
<de><![CDATA[Sie haben die Genehmigung für eine wiederkehrende Zahlung mit Ihrem Amazon Pay Konto nicht erteilt. Bitte wiederholen Sie den Vorgang und erteilen Sie die Genehmigung oder wählen Sie eine andere Zahlungsmethode.]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[You have not given permission for a recurring payment with your Amazon Pay account. Please repeat the process and give approval or choose another payment method.]]></en>
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class Payment extends QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Api\AbstractPayment implements
* @var AmazonPayClient
protected $AmazonPayClient = null;
protected static $AmazonPayClient = null;
* Current Order that is being processed
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class Payment extends QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Api\AbstractPayment implements
public function executeGatewayPayment(QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Gateway\Gateway $Gateway)
$AmazonPay = $this->getAmazonPayClient();
$AmazonPay = self::getAmazonPayClient();
$Order = $Gateway->getOrder();
$Order->addHistory('Amazon Pay :: Check if payment from Amazon was successful');
......@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ class Payment extends QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Api\AbstractPayment implements
$AmazonPay = $this->getAmazonPayClient();
$AmazonPay = self::getAmazonPayClient();
// Re-confirm Order after previously declined Authorization because of "InvalidPaymentMethod"
if ($reConfirm) {
......@@ -377,8 +377,8 @@ class Payment extends QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Api\AbstractPayment implements
'amazon_order_reference_id' => $orderReferenceId,
'success_url' => $this->getSuccessUrl($Order),
'failure_url' => $this->getFailureUrl($Order)
'success_url' => Utils::getSuccessUrl($Order),
'failure_url' => Utils::getFailureUrl($Order)
$Order->setPaymentData(self::ATTR_ORDER_REFERENCE_SET, true);
......@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ class Payment extends QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Api\AbstractPayment implements
$AmazonPay = $this->getAmazonPayClient();
$AmazonPay = self::getAmazonPayClient();
$PriceCalculation = $Order->getPriceCalculation();
$orderReferenceId = $Order->getPaymentDataEntry(self::ATTR_AMAZON_ORDER_REFERENCE_ID);
......@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ class Payment extends QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Api\AbstractPayment implements
$AmazonPay = $this->getAmazonPayClient();
$AmazonPay = self::getAmazonPayClient();
$orderReferenceId = $Order->getPaymentDataEntry(self::ATTR_AMAZON_ORDER_REFERENCE_ID);
if (empty($orderReferenceId)) {
......@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ class Payment extends QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Api\AbstractPayment implements
$AmazonPay = $this->getAmazonPayClient();
$AmazonPay = self::getAmazonPayClient();
$AmountValue = new QUI\ERP\Accounting\CalculationValue($amount, $Transaction->getCurrency(), 2);
$sum = $AmountValue->get();
$refundReferenceId = $this->generateRefundReferenceId($RefundTransaction);
......@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ class Payment extends QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Api\AbstractPayment implements
protected function closeOrderReference(AbstractOrder $Order, $reason = null)
$AmazonPay = $this->getAmazonPayClient();
$AmazonPay = self::getAmazonPayClient();
$orderReferenceId = $Order->getPaymentDataEntry(self::ATTR_AMAZON_ORDER_REFERENCE_ID);
......@@ -1058,14 +1058,15 @@ class Payment extends QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Api\AbstractPayment implements
* Get Amazon Pay Client for current payment process
* @return AmazonPayClient
* @throws \Exception
protected function getAmazonPayClient()
public static function getAmazonPayClient()
if (!is_null($this->AmazonPayClient)) {
return $this->AmazonPayClient;
if (!is_null(self::$AmazonPayClient)) {
return self::$AmazonPayClient;
$this->AmazonPayClient = new AmazonPayClient([
self::$AmazonPayClient = new AmazonPayClient([
'merchant_id' => Provider::getApiSetting('merchant_id'),
'access_key' => Provider::getApiSetting('access_key'),
'secret_key' => Provider::getApiSetting('secret_key'),
......@@ -1074,7 +1075,7 @@ class Payment extends QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Api\AbstractPayment implements
'region' => Provider::getApiSetting('region')
return $this->AmazonPayClient;
return self::$AmazonPayClient;
......@@ -1099,33 +1100,6 @@ class Payment extends QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Api\AbstractPayment implements
$Process->addHistory('Amazon Pay :: '.$message);
* Get confirmation flow success url
* @param AbstractOrder $Order
* @return string
protected function getSuccessUrl(AbstractOrder $Order)
return Payments::getInstance()->getHost().
* Get confirmation flow error url
* @param AbstractOrder $Order
* @return string
protected function getFailureUrl(AbstractOrder $Order)
return Payments::getInstance()->getHost().
* @param int $id
* @return OrderProcessMessage
* This file contains QUI\ERP\Payments\Amazon\Provider
namespace QUI\ERP\Payments\Amazon;
use QUI;
use QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Api\AbstractPaymentProvider;
use QUI\ERP\Payments\Amazon\Recurring\Payment as PaymentRecurring;
* Class Provider
......@@ -22,7 +19,8 @@ class Provider extends AbstractPaymentProvider
public function getPaymentTypes()
return [
......@@ -112,9 +110,9 @@ class Provider extends AbstractPaymentProvider
if (empty($v)) {
'Your Amazon Pay API credentials seem to be (partially) missing.'
. ' Amazon Pay CAN NOT be used at the moment. Please enter all your'
. ' API credentials. See'
. ' for further instructions.'
.' Amazon Pay CAN NOT be used at the moment. Please enter all your'
.' API credentials. See'
.' for further instructions.'
return false;
Dieser Diff ist reduziert.
namespace QUI\ERP\Payments\Amazon\Recurring;
use QUI;
use QUI\ERP\Accounting\Invoice\Invoice;
use QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Types\RecurringPaymentInterface;
use QUI\ERP\Order\AbstractOrder;
use QUI\ERP\Payments\Amazon\Payment as BasePayment;
class Payment extends BasePayment implements RecurringPaymentInterface
* Amazon API Order attributes for recurring payments
const ATTR_AMAZON_BILLING_AGREEMENT_ID = 'amazon-AmazonBillingAgreementId';
const ATTR_AMAZON_BILLING_AGREEMENT_CONFIRMED = 'amazon-AmazonBillingAgreementConfirmed';
const ATTR_AMAZON_BILLING_AGREEMENT_VALIDATED = 'amazon-AmazonBillingAgreementValidated';
* @return string
public function getTitle()
return $this->getLocale()->get('quiqqer/payment-amazon', 'payment.recurring.title');
* @return string
public function getDescription()
return $this->getLocale()->get('quiqqer/payment-amazon', 'payment.recurring.description');
* If the Payment method is a payment gateway, it can return a gateway display
* @param AbstractOrder $Order
* @param QUI\ERP\Order\Controls\OrderProcess\Processing $Step
* @return string
* @throws QUI\Exception
public function getGatewayDisplay(AbstractOrder $Order, $Step = null)
$Control = new PaymentDisplay();
$Control->setAttribute('Order', $Order);
$Control->setAttribute('Payment', $this);
$Engine = QUI::getTemplateManager()->getEngine();
$Step->setContent($Engine->fetch(dirname(__FILE__, 2).'/PaymentDisplay.Header.html'));
return $Control->create();
* Does the payment ONLY support recurring payments (e.g. for subscriptions)?
* @return bool
public function supportsRecurringPaymentsOnly()
return true;
* Create a Scubscription from a (temporary) Order
* @param AbstractOrder $Order
* @return void
public function createSubscription(AbstractOrder $Order)
// There is no need to create a BillingAgreement here since this
// is done in the frontend via the Amazon BillingAgreement consent widget
* Capture subscription amount based on an Invoice
* @param Invoice $Invoice
* @return void
public function captureSubscription(Invoice $Invoice)
// TODO: Implement captureSubscription() method.
* Cancel a Subscription
* @param int|string $subscriptionId
* @param string $reason (optional) - The reason why the subscription is cancelled
* @return void
public function cancelSubscription($subscriptionId, $reason = '')
// TODO: Implement cancelSubscription() method.
* Sets a subscription as inactive (on the side of this QUIQQER system only!)
* IMPORTANT: This does NOT mean that the corresponding subscription at the payment provider
* side is cancelled. If you want to do this please use cancelSubscription() !
* @param $subscriptionId
* @return void
public function setSubscriptionAsInactive($subscriptionId)
// TODO: Implement setSubscriptionAsInactive() method.
* Can the Subscription of this payment method be edited
* regarding essential data like invoice frequency, amount etc.?
* @return bool
public function isSubscriptionEditable()
// TODO: Implement isSubscriptionEditable() method.
* Check if a Subscription is associated with an order and
* return its ID (= identification at the payment method side; e.g. PayPal)
* @param AbstractOrder $Order
* @return int|string|false - ID or false of no ID associated
public function getSubscriptionIdByOrder(AbstractOrder $Order)
// TODO: Implement getSubscriptionIdByOrder() method.
* Checks if the subscription is active at the payment provider side
* @param string|int $subscriptionId
* @return bool
public function isSubscriptionActiveAtPaymentProvider($subscriptionId)
// TODO: Implement isSubscriptionActiveAtPaymentProvider() method.
* Checks if the subscription is active at QUIQQER
* @param string|int $subscriptionId - Payment provider subscription ID
* @return bool
public function isSubscriptionActiveAtQuiqqer($subscriptionId)
// TODO: Implement isSubscriptionActiveAtQuiqqer() method.
* Get IDs of all subscriptions
* @param bool $includeInactive (optional) - Include inactive subscriptions [default: false]
* @return int[]
public function getSubscriptionIds($includeInactive = false)
// TODO: Implement getSubscriptionIds() method.
* Get global processing ID of a subscription
* @param string|int $subscriptionId
* @return string|false
public function getSubscriptionGlobalProcessingId($subscriptionId)
// TODO: Implement getSubscriptionGlobalProcessingId() method.
.quiqqer-payment-amazon-content {
float: left;
width: 100%;
.quiqqer-payment-amazon-btn-elm {
margin-top: 35px;
text-align: center;
.quiqqer-payment-amazon-btn-elm img {
max-width: 100% !important;
#quiqqer-payment-amazon-wallet {
margin: 35px auto 0 auto;
min-width: 300px;
max-width: 600px;
min-height: 228px;
height: 240px;
max-height: 400px;
#quiqqer-payment-amazon-consent {
margin: 35px auto 0 auto;
min-width: 300px;
max-width: 600px;
min-height: 228px;
height: 240px;
max-height: 400px;
#quiqqer-payment-amazon-btn-pay {
margin: 50px 0 0 0;
text-align: right;
.quiqqer-payment-amazon__hidden {
display: none !important;
\ No newline at end of file
<p>{locale group="quiqqer/payment-amazon" var="PaymentDisplay.no_javascript"}</p>
{if !$apiSetUp}
<p class="message-error">
{locale group="quiqqer/payment-amazon" var="controls.PaymentDisplay.configuration_error"}
<div class="quiqqer-payment-amazon-message"></div>
<div class="quiqqer-payment-amazon-content">
<div id="quiqqer-payment-amazon-btn" class="quiqqer-payment-amazon-btn-elm" data-size="{$btn_size}" data-color="{$btn_color}"></div>
<div id="quiqqer-payment-amazon-wallet" class="quiqqer-payment-amazon__hidden"></div>
<div id="quiqqer-payment-amazon-consent" class="quiqqer-payment-amazon__hidden"></div>
<div id="quiqqer-payment-amazon-btn-pay"
\ No newline at end of file
namespace QUI\ERP\Payments\Amazon\Recurring;
use QUI;
use QUI\ERP\Payments\Amazon\Provider;
* Class PaymentDisplay
* Display PayPal Billing payment process
class PaymentDisplay extends QUI\Control
* Constructor
* @param array $attributes
* @throws QUI\ERP\Order\ProcessingException
public function __construct(array $attributes = [])
$this->setJavaScriptControlOption('sandbox', boolval(Provider::getApiSetting('sandbox')));
$this->setJavaScriptControlOption('sellerid', Provider::getApiSetting('merchant_id'));
$this->setJavaScriptControlOption('clientid', Provider::getApiSetting('client_id'));
* Return the body of the control
* Here you can integrate the payment form, or forwarding functionality to the gateway
* @return string
* @throws QUI\Exception
public function getBody()
$Engine = QUI::getTemplateManager()->getEngine();
/* @var $Order QUI\ERP\Order\OrderInProcess */
$Order = $this->getAttribute('Order');
$PriceCalculation = $Order->getPriceCalculation();
'btn_size' => Provider::getWidgetsSetting('btn_size'),
'btn_color' => Provider::getWidgetsSetting('btn_color'),
'display_price' => $PriceCalculation->getSum()->formatted(),
'apiSetUp' => Provider::isApiSetUp(),
'currency_code' => $Order->getCurrency()->getCode()
$this->setJavaScriptControlOption('orderhash', $Order->getHash());
// Check if an Amazon Pay authorization already exists (i.e. Order is successful / can be processed)
$this->setJavaScriptControlOption('successful', $Order->isSuccessful());
return $Engine->fetch(dirname(__FILE__).'/PaymentDisplay.html');
namespace QUI\ERP\Payments\Amazon;
use QUI;
use QUI\ERP\Accounting\CalculationValue;
use QUI\ERP\Accounting\Payments\Payments;
use QUI\ERP\Order\AbstractOrder;
use QUI\ERP\Shipping\Shipping;
* Class Utils
* Utility methods for quiqqer/payment-amazon
class Utils
* Get base URL (with host) for current Project
* @return string
public static function getProjectUrl()
try {
$url = QUI::getRewrite()->getProject()->get(1)->getUrlRewrittenWithHost();
$url = \str_replace(['http://', 'https://'], '', $url); // remove protocol
return rtrim($url, '/');
} catch (\Exception $Exception) {
return '';
* Save Order with SystemUser
* @param AbstractOrder $Order
* @return void
public static function saveOrder(AbstractOrder $Order)
* Get translated history text
* @param string $context
* @param array $data (optional) - Additional data for translation
* @return string
public static function getHistoryText(string $context, $data = [])
return QUI::getLocale()->get('quiqqer/payment-amazon', 'history.'.$context, $data);
* Get confirmation flow success url
* @param AbstractOrder $Order
* @return string
public static function getSuccessUrl(AbstractOrder $Order)
return Payments::getInstance()->getHost().
* Get confirmation flow error url
* @param AbstractOrder $Order
* @return string
public static function getFailureUrl(AbstractOrder $Order)
return Payments::getInstance()->getHost().
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