1Running with gitlab-runner 17.5.3 (12030cf4)2 on GitLab CI Runner sc_BewxeB, system ID: s_6319c6f992f34Using Docker executor with image quiqqer/testing:2-php8.3 ...5Pulling docker image quiqqer/testing:2-php8.3 ...6Using docker image sha256:6826038e3853eb44cd56b9935aec259971cf08ec384b493f622c36e1917bcb30 for quiqqer/testing:2-php8.3 with digest quiqqer/testing@sha256:957ddfdd6b7379f3b7e8d5b10b29faec503fd61d8d1c7830d68c4d8e8a535296 ...8Running on runner-scbewxeb-project-162-concurrent-0 via qui-gitlab-runner...10Fetching changes...11Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/quiqqer/package-menu/.git/12Checking out 12da4391 as detached HEAD (ref is 3.2.2)...13Removing parallel-lint.phar14Skipping Git submodules setup16Checking cache for 0_-9b283828d00c2a6b52e4ad62c3ccef6c4418528d-protected...17No URL provided, cache will not be downloaded from shared cache server. Instead a local version of cache will be extracted. 18Successfully extracted cache20Using docker image sha256:6826038e3853eb44cd56b9935aec259971cf08ec384b493f622c36e1917bcb30 for quiqqer/testing:2-php8.3 with digest quiqqer/testing@sha256:957ddfdd6b7379f3b7e8d5b10b29faec503fd61d8d1c7830d68c4d8e8a535296 ...21250304 12:28:17 mysqld_safe Logging to syslog.22250304 12:28:17 mysqld_safe Starting mariadbd daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql23AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message24Waiting for MariaDB/MySQL startup25$ PHPSTAN_VERSION_CONSTRAINT=26$ if [ -z ${PHPSTAN_VERSION_CONSTRAINT} ]; then PHPSTAN_VERSION_CONSTRAINT=$(phive --no-progress --home ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/.phive-home status | { grep phpstan || test $? = 1; } | awk '{print $2}'); fi27$ phive --no-progress --home ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/.phive-home install --temporary --trust-gpg-keys 51C67305FFC2E5C0 phpstan@${PHPSTAN_VERSION_CONSTRAINT}28Phive 0.15.3 - Copyright (C) 2015-2025 by Arne Blankerts, Sebastian Heuer and Contributors31Downloading key 51C67305FFC2E5C032Trying to connect to ( downloaded key.35 Fingerprint: CA7C 2C7A 30C8 E8E1 274A 8476 51C6 7305 FFC2 E5C036 PHPStan Bot <>37 Created: 2023-03-1238Linking /builds/quiqqer/package-menu/.phive-home/phars/phpstan-1.12.19.phar to /builds/quiqqer/package-menu/tools/phpstan39$ if ( true ); then quiqqer-ci-install-package-from-folder "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}"; PACKAGE_NAME=$(php -r "echo json_decode(file_get_contents('composer.json'))->name;"); cd /var/www/html/packages/${PACKAGE_NAME}; fi40Changing ownership of package directory to current user...41Determining latest version of the package to use as an alias...42Found: '3.2.2'43Determining latest commit of the package...44Found: '12da43917d90fefaefd0b3f25d3b378b604b4c76'45Adding package directory as an active update server to QUIQQER...46Executing QUIQQER setup to add update server to composer.json...47 _______ _________ _______ _______ _______ _______48 ( ___ )|\ /|\__ __/( ___ )( ___ )( ____ \( ____ )49 | ( ) || ) ( | ) ( | ( ) || ( ) || ( \/| ( )|50 | | | || | | | | | | | | || | | || (__ | (____)|51 | | | || | | | | | | | | || | | || __) | __)52 | | /\| || | | | | | | | /\| || | /\| || ( | (\ (53 | (_\ \ || (___) |___) (___| (_\ \ || (_\ \ || (____/\| ) \ \__54 (____\/_)(_______)\_______/(____\/_)(____\/_)(_______/|/ \__/55 Welcome to QUIQQER Version 2.0.69 - Last Update: 3/4/25 - PHP Version: 8.3.1756 QUIQQER Copyright(C) 2025 PCSG - Computer & Internet Service OHG - www.pcsg.de57 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `./console licence`.58 This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions;59 visit for details.61Current system62Version: 2.0.6963From: 174105483864Reference:65Last update check: 3/4/2566Start QUIQQER Setup ...67> Start Session setup68> Create directories69> Generate file links70> Execute main setup (groups, users, workspace)71> Execute communication setup (mail, messages, events)72> Create header files73> Execute project setups74> Execute package setups75>> 12:28:22 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/urijs76>> 12:28:22 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/intl77>> 12:28:22 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/downloadjs78>> 12:28:22 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/nouislider79>> 12:28:22 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/chart.js80>> 12:28:22 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/pace-js81>> 12:28:22 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/requirejs82>> 12:28:22 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/unsemantic83>> 12:28:22 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/ace-builds84>> 12:28:23 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/font-awesome85>> 12:28:23 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/glidejs-glide86>> 12:28:23 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/hammerjs87>> 12:28:23 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/mustache88>> 12:28:23 - run setup for package quiqqer-asset/animejs89>> 12:28:23 - run setup for package quiqqer/backendsearch90>> 12:28:23 - run setup for package quiqqer/core91>> 12:28:34 - run setup for package quiqqer/smarty92>> 12:28:34 - run setup for package quiqqer/dashboard93>> 12:28:34 - run setup for package quiqqer/calendar-controls94>> 12:28:34 - run setup for package quiqqer/messages95>> 12:28:34 - run setup for package quiqqer/login-logger96>> 12:28:34 - run setup for package quiqqer/template-businesspro97>> 12:28:35 - run setup for package quiqqer/countries98>> 12:28:35 - run setup for package quiqqer/composer99>> 12:28:35 - run setup for package quiqqer/fontawesome100>> 12:28:37 - run setup for package quiqqer/smarty4101>> 12:28:37 - run setup for package quiqqer/controls102>> 12:28:37 - run setup for package quiqqer/pace103>> 12:28:37 - run setup for package quiqqer/ckeditor4104>> 12:28:37 - run setup for package quiqqer/translator105>> 12:28:37 - run setup for package quiqqer/mobile-detection106>> 12:28:37 - run setup for package quiqqer/meta107>> 12:28:37 - run setup for package quiqqer/unsemantic108>> 12:28:37 - run setup for package quiqqer/bricks109>> 12:28:38 - run setup for package quiqqer/diashow110>> 12:28:38 - run setup for package quiqqer/requirements111>> 12:28:38 - run setup for package quiqqer/menu112>> 12:28:38 - run setup for package quiqqer/log113>> 12:28:38 - run setup for package quiqqer/cron114>> 12:28:39 - run setup for package quiqqer/colorpicker115>> 12:28:39 - run setup for package quiqqer/demodata116>> 12:28:39 - run setup for package quiqqer/utils117>> 12:28:39 - run setup for package quiqqer/page-transition118>> 12:28:39 - run setup for package quiqqer/sitetypes119> Import permissions120> Cleanup121> Done122The setup was successful.123Everything is done. Thank you for using QUIQQER124Requiring package into QUIQQER...125> QUI\Package\Composer\CommandEvents::preCommandRun126./composer.json has been updated127Running composer update quiqqer/menu --with-dependencies128> QUI\Package\Composer\CommandEvents::preUpdate129Loading composer repositories with package information130Updating dependencies131Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.132 Problem 1133 - Root composer.json requires quiqqer/menu dev-12da43917d90fefaefd0b3f25d3b378b604b4c76@dev as 3.2.2, found quiqqer/menu[3.2.2] but it does not match the constraint.134 Problem 2135 - quiqqer/template-businesspro is locked to version 2.0.2 and an update of this package was not requested.136 - quiqqer/template-businesspro 2.0.2 requires quiqqer/menu ^3 -> found quiqqer/menu[3.2.2] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require (dev-12da43917d90fefaefd0b3f25d3b378b604b4c76@dev as 3.2.2).137Use the option --with-all-dependencies (-W) to allow upgrades, downgrades and removals for packages currently locked to specific versions.138Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.140Creating cache 0_-9b283828d00c2a6b52e4ad62c3ccef6c4418528d-protected...141tools: found 3 matching artifact files and directories 142/builds/quiqqer/package-menu/.phive-home: found 24 matching artifact files and directories 143No URL provided, cache will not be uploaded to shared cache server. Cache will be stored only locally. 144Created cache146ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1