Cron Package - Administrator Documentation
The menu entry Settings -> Crons contains the Cron Manager and the Cron History Manager. You can manage all crons via the Cron Manager. You can add, edit and delete crons.
The Cron History Manager gives you an overview of the Cron Timeline. Here you can find a listing when a cron was executed and by whom a cron was executed.
Cron Manager on the console / bash
The Cron Manager comes with a console tool and can be managed via the console:
./console cron
If errors occur during the cron processes and you want to restart the cron job, it might be impossible due to the following message:
Crons cannot be executed because another instance is already executing crons.
In this case, you can reset the timer by clearing the cache:
./console clear-cache-path --path="lock/quiqqer/cron_cron-execution"
Run crons regularly
The Cron-script has to be called in one minute intervals.
If QUIQQER is installed on a dedicated on a dedicated server the Cron-script can be called via a system-cron. For this approach see the section Use System-Cron
If QUIQQER is installed on a shared host or just a webspace and you can not add System-Crons, you can use the Cron-Service. See the section Use Cronservice
for this approach.
Use System-Cron
To call the Cron-script via Linux System-Crons you have to edit the crontab files for the user that executes your webserver (e.g. www-data
for apache2 webservers).
You can do this by calling:
crontab -eu www-data
In the now opening editor window you add the following new line to the end of the file:
* * * * * php <path-of-quiqqer-system>/console cron > /dev/null 2>&1
Note: You have to replace <path-of-quiqqer-system>
with the path of your QUIQQER systems' root folder (e.g. /var/www/html/vhosts/quiqqer/console
After doing that you can save the file and close the editor. When using the nano editor files are saved by pressing Crtl + O
. The editor can be closed via Crtl + X
Now your Linux-system should call the QUIQQER-Cron-Script every minute.
Use Cronservice
The QUIQQER cronservice enables systems without native cron functionality to execute the QUIQQER crons anyway. This is realized with an external server on which QUIQQER systems can register themselves. This server will start the scheduled crons of all registered QUIQQER systems regularly.
To use the Cron-Service open the QUIQQER administration and navigate to Adminstration
> Crons
> Cronservice
By following the instructions in the dialog you can register your system for the Cronservice.
When you followed all instructions and open the dialog again, you should see that the status now shows Active
and some further information.