1Running with gitlab-runner 17.4.0 (b92ee590)2 on GitLab CI Runner sc_BewxeB, system ID: s_6319c6f992f34Using Docker executor with image php:8.1-cli ...5Pulling docker image php:8.1-cli ...6Using docker image sha256:4d28adac96f496c33071574dcb19e9ceb8f234b8b464294e0a2ad611d39343f6 for php:8.1-cli with digest php@sha256:1e53d82e7daf4abce004b87a1ddee51b0f668ffd51c1eca5fb6332d114d6be4e ...8Running on runner-scbewxeb-project-1042-concurrent-2 via qui-gitlab-runner...10Fetching changes with git depth set to 20...11Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/quiqqer/order-simple-checkout/.git/12Checking out 1c4ce8dd as detached HEAD (ref is 2.1.11)...13Removing .phive-home/14Removing tools/15Skipping Git submodules setup17Checking cache for v1.4.0-protected...18No URL provided, cache will not be downloaded from shared cache server. Instead a local version of cache will be extracted. 19Successfully extracted cache21Using docker image sha256:4d28adac96f496c33071574dcb19e9ceb8f234b8b464294e0a2ad611d39343f6 for php:8.1-cli with digest php@sha256:1e53d82e7daf4abce004b87a1ddee51b0f668ffd51c1eca5fb6332d114d6be4e ...22$ php -r "if(!file_exists('${PHAR_FILE}')) {echo 'Downloading ${PHAR_FILE}...' . PHP_EOL; copy('${PHAR_VERSION}/${PHAR_FILE}', '${PHAR_FILE}');}"23$ php ${PHAR_FILE} -j $(nproc --all) --colors --no-progress .24PHP 8.1.30 | 4 parallel jobs25Checked 24 files in 0.6 seconds26No syntax error found28Creating cache v1.4.0-protected...29parallel-lint.phar: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 30Archive is up to date! 31Created cache33Job succeeded