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Code-Schnipsel Gruppen Projekte
Michael Danielczok's avatar
geöffnet merge request !7 "Update 'next-2.x' with latest changes from 'main'" at QUIQQER / Interview
Michael Danielczok's avatar
akzeptiert merge request !6 "Update 'next-2.x' with latest changes from 'main'" at QUIQQER / Interview
Michael Danielczok's avatar
pushed to branch next-2.x at QUIQQER / Interview
QUIQQER Stabilization's avatar
commented on merge request !2 "Add QUIQQER Tooling" at QUIQQER / Interview

:tada: This MR is included in version 1.0.0 :tada:...

QUIQQER Stabilization's avatar
commented on merge request !4 "fix(phpstan): correct variable type" at QUIQQER / Interview

:tada: This MR is included in version 1.0.0 :tada:...

QUIQQER Stabilization's avatar
commented on merge request !1 "Dev" at QUIQQER / Interview

:tada: This MR is included in version 1.0.0 :tada:...

QUIQQER Stabilization's avatar
commented on merge request !3 "refactor: Code refactor [Interviewee] quiqqer/ckeditor4#31" at QUIQQER / Interview

:tada: This MR is included in version 1.0.0 :tada:...

QUIQQER Stabilization's avatar
pushed new branch 1.x at QUIQQER / Interview
QUIQQER Stabilization's avatar
pushed new branch next-3.x at QUIQQER / Interview
QUIQQER Stabilization's avatar
commented on merge request !5 "chore: update gitlab-ci component reference" at QUIQQER / Interview

:tada: This MR is included in version 2.0.0 :tada:...

QUIQQER Stabilization's avatar
pushed new tag 2.0.0 at QUIQQER / Interview
QUIQQER Stabilization's avatar
geöffnet merge request !6 "Update 'next-2.x' with latest changes from 'main'" at QUIQQER / Interview
Michael Danielczok's avatar
akzeptiert merge request !5 "chore: update gitlab-ci component reference" at QUIQQER / Interview
Michael Danielczok's avatar
pushed to branch main at QUIQQER / Interview
Michael Danielczok's avatar
geöffnet merge request !5 "chore: update gitlab-ci component reference" at QUIQQER / Interview
Michael Danielczok's avatar
pushed to branch next-2.x at QUIQQER / Interview
QUIQQER Stabilization's avatar
commented on merge request !2 "Add QUIQQER Tooling" at QUIQQER / Interview

:tada: This MR is included in version 1.0.0 :tada:...

QUIQQER Stabilization's avatar
commented on merge request !4 "fix(phpstan): correct variable type" at QUIQQER / Interview

:tada: This MR is included in version 1.0.0 :tada:...

QUIQQER Stabilization's avatar
commented on merge request !1 "Dev" at QUIQQER / Interview

:tada: This MR is included in version 1.0.0 :tada:...

QUIQQER Stabilization's avatar
commented on merge request !3 "refactor: Code refactor [Interviewee] quiqqer/ckeditor4#31" at QUIQQER / Interview

:tada: This MR is included in version 1.0.0 :tada:...