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  • quiqqer/frontend-users
1 Ergebnis
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Commits auf Quelle (4)
werden angezeigt mit 299 Ergänzungen und 291 Löschungen
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phive xmlns="">
<phar name="phpstan" version="1.11.8" installed="1.11.8" location="./tools/phpstan" copy="false"/>
<phar name="phpunit" version="^10.5.20" installed="10.5.20" location="./tools/phpunit" copy="false"/>
<phar name="phpcs" version="^3.10.1" installed="3.10.1" location="./tools/phpcs" copy="false"/>
<phar name="phpcbf" version="^3.10.1" installed="3.10.1" location="./tools/phpcbf" copy="false"/>
<phar name="captainhook" version="^5.23.3" installed="5.23.3" location="./tools/captainhook" copy="false"/>
<phar name="phpstan" version="1.11.8" installed="1.11.8" location="./tools/phpstan" copy="true"/>
<phar name="phpunit" version="^10.5.20" installed="10.5.20" location="./tools/phpunit" copy="true"/>
<phar name="phpcs" version="^3.10.1" installed="3.10.1" location="./tools/phpcs" copy="true"/>
<phar name="phpcbf" version="^3.10.1" installed="3.10.1" location="./tools/phpcbf" copy="true"/>
<phar name="captainhook" version="^5.23.3" installed="5.23.3" location="./tools/captainhook" copy="true"/>
......@@ -4,20 +4,22 @@
* @return string - User e-mail address
use QUI\FrontendUsers\ActivationVerification;
use QUI\Verification\Verifier;
use QUI\Verification\VerificationRepository;
function ($userId) {
try {
$User = QUI::getUsers()->get($userId);
Verifier::getVerificationByIdentifier($User->getUUID(), ActivationVerification::getType());
$verificationRepository = new VerificationRepository();
$verification = $verificationRepository->findByIdentifier(
'activate-' . $User->getUUID()
} catch (Exception) {
return false;
return $User->getAttribute('email');
return $verification ? $User->getAttribute('email') : false;
......@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@
* This file contains package_quiqqer_frontend-users_ajax_frontend_auth_resendActivationMail
use QUI\FrontendUsers\ActivationVerification;
use QUI\FrontendUsers\Handler;
use QUI\FrontendUsers\RegistrarInterface;
use QUI\FrontendUsers\Registrars\Email\Registrar as EmailRegistrar;
use QUI\Utils\Security\Orthos;
use QUI\Verification\Verifier;
use QUI\Verification\VerificationRepository;
* Resend an activation mail
......@@ -21,9 +20,16 @@
function ($email) {
try {
$User = QUI::getUsers()->getUserByMail(Orthos::clear($email));
Verifier::getVerificationByIdentifier($User->getUUID(), ActivationVerification::getType());
} catch (Exception $Exception) {
$verificationRepository = new VerificationRepository();
$verification = $verificationRepository->findByIdentifier(
'activate-' . $User->getUUID()
// if the verification does not exist -> do not resend mail
if (empty($verification)) {
return false;
} catch (Exception $Exception) {
return false;
......@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ function ($category, $settings, $data) {
// Check permission
if (!Utils::hasPermissionToViewCategory($category, $settings)) {
throw new \QUI\FrontendUsers\Exception(
throw new \QUI\FrontendUsers\Exception([
$Control = QUI\FrontendUsers\Utils::getProfileSettingControl($category, $settings);
......@@ -6,14 +6,11 @@
* @return array
use QUI\FrontendUsers\AbstractRegistrar;
function () {
$authenticators = [];
/** @var AbstractRegistrar $Registrar */
foreach (QUI\Users\Auth\Handler::getInstance()->getAvailableAuthenticators() as $class) {
/** @var QUI\Users\AbstractAuthenticator $Authenticator */
$Authenticator = new $class();
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"require": {
"quiqqer/core": "^2",
"quiqqer/countries": "^2",
"quiqqer/verification": "^2",
"quiqqer/verification": "^3",
"quiqqer/tooltips": "^2",
"quiqqer/data-layer": "^2"
......@@ -1805,36 +1805,36 @@ The deletion of your user account on [host] was requested on [date]. Please conf
<locale name="control.sign.up.terms_of_use_and_privacy_policy.label" html="true">
Durch das Erstellen eines Benutzerkontos versichere ich die
<a href="[termsOfUseUrl]">[termsOfUseSiteTitle]</a> und
<a href="[privacyPolicyUrl]">[privacyPolicySiteTitle]</a>
<a href="[termsOfUseUrl]" data-id="[termsOfUseSiteId]">[termsOfUseSiteTitle]</a> und
<a href="[privacyPolicyUrl]" data-id="[privacyPolicySiteId]">[privacyPolicySiteTitle]</a>
gelesen zu haben und erkläre mich mit diesen einverstanden.
By creating a user account, I confirm that I have read and agree to the
<a href="[termsOfUseUrl]">[termsOfUseSiteTitle]</a> and
<a href="[privacyPolicyUrl]">[privacyPolicySiteTitle]</a>.
<a href="[termsOfUseUrl]" data-id="[termsOfUseSiteId]">[termsOfUseSiteTitle]</a> and
<a href="[privacyPolicyUrl]" data-id="[privacyPolicySiteId]">[privacyPolicySiteTitle]</a>.
<locale name="control.sign.up.terms_of_use.label" html="true">
Durch das Erstellen eines Benutzerkontos versichere ich die
<a href="[termsOfUseUrl]">[termsOfUseSiteTitle]</a> gelesen zu haben
<a href="[termsOfUseUrl]" data-id="[termsOfUseSiteId]">[termsOfUseSiteTitle]</a> gelesen zu haben
und erkläre mich mit diesen einverstanden.
By creating a user account, I confirm that I have read and agree to the
<a href="[termsOfUseUrl]">[termsOfUseSiteTitle]</a>.
<a href="[termsOfUseUrl]" data-id="[termsOfUseSiteId]">[termsOfUseSiteTitle]</a>.
<locale name="control.sign.up.privacy_policy.label" html="true">
Durch das Erstellen eines Benutzerkontos versichere ich die
<a href="[privacyPolicyUrl]">[privacyPolicySiteTitle]</a>
<a href="[privacyPolicyUrl]" data-id="[privacyPolicySiteId]">[privacyPolicySiteTitle]</a>
gelesen zu haben und erkläre mich mit diesen einverstanden.
By creating a user account, I confirm that I have read and agree to the
<a href="[privacyPolicyUrl]">[privacyPolicySiteTitle]</a>.
<a href="[privacyPolicyUrl]" data-id="[privacyPolicySiteId]">[privacyPolicySiteTitle]</a>.
<locale name="">
......@@ -5,59 +5,14 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: ajax/frontend/profile/save.php
message: "#^Parameter \\#2 \\$code of class QUI\\\\FrontendUsers\\\\Exception constructor expects int, string given\\.$#"
count: 1
path: ajax/frontend/profile/save.php
message: "#^Variable \\$Registrar in PHPDoc tag @var does not match any variable in the foreach loop\\: \\$class$#"
count: 1
path: ajax/settings/getAuthenticators.php
message: "#^PHPDoc tag @return with type mixed is not subtype of native type string\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/AbstractRegistrar.php
message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$User of static method QUI\\\\FrontendUsers\\\\Utils\\:\\:setUserEmailVerified\\(\\) expects QUI\\\\Users\\\\User, QUI\\\\Interfaces\\\\Users\\\\User given\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/ActivationVerification.php
message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$code of method QUI\\\\Interfaces\\\\Users\\\\User\\:\\:activate\\(\\) expects string, false given\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/ActivationVerification.php
message: "#^Negated boolean expression is always true\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/Console/SendUserMails.php
message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$groupId of method QUI\\\\Interfaces\\\\Users\\\\User\\:\\:addToGroup\\(\\) expects int, string given\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/Console/SetUserGroups.php
message: "#^Instantiated class QUI\\\\ERP\\\\Order\\\\Exception not found\\.$#"
count: 6
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/Controls/Address/Address.php
message: "#^PHPDoc tag @throws with type QUI\\\\ERP\\\\Order\\\\Exception is not subtype of Throwable$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/Controls/Address/Address.php
message: "#^Throwing object of an unknown class QUI\\\\ERP\\\\Order\\\\Exception\\.$#"
count: 6
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/Controls/Address/Address.php
message: "#^Variable \\$Authenticator in PHPDoc tag @var does not exist\\.$#"
count: 2
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/Controls/Login.php
......@@ -85,16 +40,6 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/Controls/Profile/UserData.php
message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$code of method QUI\\\\Interfaces\\\\Users\\\\User\\:\\:activate\\(\\) expects string, false given\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/Controls/Registration.php
message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$groupId of method QUI\\\\Interfaces\\\\Users\\\\User\\:\\:addToGroup\\(\\) expects int, string given\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/Controls/Registration.php
message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$maxWidth of method QUI\\\\Projects\\\\Media\\\\ExternalImage\\:\\:getSizeCacheUrl\\(\\) expects bool, int given\\.$#"
count: 1
......@@ -109,18 +54,3 @@ parameters:
message: "#^Call to an undefined method QUI\\\\Interfaces\\\\Projects\\\\Site\\:\\:getLocation\\(\\)\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/Events.php
message: "#^Call to method createResponse\\(\\) on an unknown class QUI\\\\REST\\\\ResponseFactory\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/Rest/Routes/GetRegisterRequiredFields.php
message: "#^Instantiated class QUI\\\\REST\\\\ResponseFactory not found\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/Rest/Routes/GetRegisterRequiredFields.php
message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$groupId of method QUI\\\\Interfaces\\\\Users\\\\User\\:\\:addToGroup\\(\\) expects int, string given\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/FrontendUsers/Rest/Routes/PostRegister.php
namespace QUI\FrontendUsers;
use QUI;
use QUI\Projects\Project;
use QUI\Verification\AbstractLinkVerificationHandler;
use QUI\Verification\Entity\LinkVerification;
* Base class for all link verification handlers of quiqqer/frontend-users.
abstract class AbstractFrontendUsersLinkVerificationHandler extends AbstractLinkVerificationHandler
* Get the Project this ActivationVerification is intended for
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @return Project|null
* @throws QUI\Exception
protected function getProject(LinkVerification $verification): ?Project
$project = $verification->getCustomDataEntry('project');
$projectLang = $verification->getCustomDataEntry('projectLang');
if (empty($project) || empty($projectLang)) {
return null;
return QUI::getProjectManager()->getProject($project, $projectLang);
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ abstract public function validate(): array;
abstract public function getInvalidFields(): array;
* @return mixed
* @return string
abstract public function getUsername(): string;
......@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@
use QUI;
use QUI\Exception;
use QUI\Verification\AbstractVerification;
use QUI\ExceptionStack;
use QUI\Projects\Project;
use QUI\Verification\Entity\LinkVerification;
use QUI\Verification\Enum\VerificationErrorReason;
use QUI\Verification\Entity\AbstractVerification;
* Class ActivationVerification
......@@ -13,16 +17,17 @@
* @package QUI\FrontendUsers
class ActivationVerification extends AbstractVerification
class ActivationLinkVerification extends AbstractFrontendUsersLinkVerificationHandler
* Get the duration of a Verification (minutes)
* @return int|false - duration in minutes;
* @param AbstractVerification $verification
* @return int|null - duration in minutes;
* if this method returns false use the module setting default value
* @throws Exception
public function getValidDuration(): bool|int
public function getValidDuration(AbstractVerification $verification): ?int
$settings = Handler::getInstance()->getMailSettings();
return (int)$settings['verificationValidityDuration'];
......@@ -31,17 +36,18 @@ public function getValidDuration(): bool|int
* Execute this method on successful verification
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @return void
* @throws \Exception
public function onSuccess(): void
public function onSuccess(LinkVerification $verification): void
$userId = $this->getIdentifier();
try {
$User = QUI::getUsers()->get($userId);
$User->activate(false, QUI::getUsers()->getSystemUser());
$userUuid = $verification->getCustomDataEntry('uuid');
$User = QUI::getUsers()->get($userUuid);
$User->activate('', QUI::getUsers()->getSystemUser());
......@@ -50,21 +56,20 @@ public function onSuccess(): void
} catch (QUI\Users\Exception $Exception) {
'quiqqer/frontend-users -> ActivationVerification :: ' . $Exception->getMessage()
} catch (\Exception $Exception) {
throw $Exception;
* Execute this method on unsuccessful verification
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @param VerificationErrorReason $reason
* @return void
public function onError(): void
public function onError(LinkVerification $verification, VerificationErrorReason $reason): void
// nothing
......@@ -72,10 +77,11 @@ public function onError(): void
* This message is displayed to the user on successful verification
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @return string
* @throws Exception
public function getSuccessMessage(): string
public function getSuccessMessage(LinkVerification $verification): string
$registrationSetting = Handler::getInstance()->getRegistrationSettings();
......@@ -91,10 +97,11 @@ public function getSuccessMessage(): string
* This message is displayed to the user on unsuccessful verification
* @param string $reason - The reason for the error (see \QUI\Verification\Verifier::REASON_)
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @param VerificationErrorReason $reason
* @return string
public function getErrorMessage(string $reason): string
public function getErrorMessage(LinkVerification $verification, VerificationErrorReason $reason): string
return '';
......@@ -102,23 +109,26 @@ public function getErrorMessage(string $reason): string
* Automatically redirect the user to this URL on successful verification
* @return string|false - If this method returns false, no redirection takes place
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @return string|null - If this method returns false, no redirection takes place
* @throws Exception
public function getOnSuccessRedirectUrl(): bool|string
public function getOnSuccessRedirectUrl(LinkVerification $verification): ?string
$project = $this->getProject($verification);
if (!$project) {
return null;
$RegistrarHandler = Handler::getInstance();
$RegistrationSite = $RegistrarHandler->getRegistrationSignUpSite(
$RegistrationSite = $RegistrarHandler->getRegistrationSignUpSite($project);
if (empty($RegistrationSite)) {
$RegistrationSite = $RegistrarHandler->getRegistrationSite(
$RegistrationSite = $RegistrarHandler->getRegistrationSite($project);
if (empty($RegistrationSite)) {
return false;
return null;
......@@ -126,30 +136,35 @@ public function getOnSuccessRedirectUrl(): bool|string
], [
'success' => 'activation',
'registrar' => $this->getRegistrarHash()
'registrar' => $this->getRegistrarHash($verification)
* Automatically redirect the user to this URL on unsuccessful verification
* @return string|false - If this method returns false, no redirection takes place
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @param VerificationErrorReason $reason
* @return string|null - If this method returns false, no redirection takes place
* @throws Exception
* @throws ExceptionStack
public function getOnErrorRedirectUrl(): bool|string
public function getOnErrorRedirectUrl(LinkVerification $verification, VerificationErrorReason $reason): ?string
$RegistrarHandler = Handler::getInstance();
$RegistrationSite = $RegistrarHandler->getRegistrationSignUpSite(
$project = $this->getProject($verification);
if (!$project) {
return null;
$RegistrationSite = $RegistrarHandler->getRegistrationSignUpSite($project);
if (empty($RegistrationSite)) {
$RegistrationSite = $RegistrarHandler->getRegistrationSite(
$RegistrationSite = $RegistrarHandler->getRegistrationSite($project);
if (empty($RegistrationSite)) {
return false;
return null;
......@@ -157,35 +172,24 @@ public function getOnErrorRedirectUrl(): bool|string
], [
'error' => 'activation',
'registrar' => $this->getRegistrarHash()
'registrar' => $this->getRegistrarHash($verification)
* Get the Project this ActivationVerification is intended for
* @return QUI\Projects\Project
* @throws Exception
protected function getProject(): QUI\Projects\Project
$additionalData = $this->getAdditionalData();
return QUI::getProjectManager()->getProject($additionalData['project'], $additionalData['projectLang']);
* Get hash of registrar used for this Verification
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @return string
protected function getRegistrarHash(): string
protected function getRegistrarHash(LinkVerification $verification): string
$data = $this->getAdditionalData();
$registrar = $verification->getCustomDataEntry('registrar');
if (empty($data['registrar'])) {
if (empty($registrar)) {
return '';
return $data['registrar'];
return $registrar;
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ protected function getAuthenticators(): array
$authenticators = array_filter($authenticators, function ($authenticator) use ($allowed) {
/** @var QUI\Users\AuthenticatorInterface $Authenticator */
/** @var QUI\Users\AuthenticatorInterface $authenticator */
return in_array($authenticator, $allowed);
} catch (Exception $Exception) {
......@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
use QUI;
use QUI\FrontendUsers\Handler;
use QUI\System\Log;
use QUI\Verification\Verifier;
use QUI\Verification\Interface\VerificationRepositoryInterface;
use QUI\Verification\VerificationRepository;
* Class DeleteAccount
......@@ -23,8 +24,14 @@ class DeleteAccount extends AbstractProfileControl
* DeleteAccount constructor.
* @param array $attributes
public function __construct(array $attributes = [])
public function __construct(
array $attributes = [],
private ?VerificationRepositoryInterface $verificationRepository = null
) {
if (is_null($this->verificationRepository)) {
$this->verificationRepository = new VerificationRepository();
......@@ -44,17 +51,17 @@ public function getBody(): string
$action = false;
try {
$DeleteVerification = Verifier::getVerificationByIdentifier(
$verification = $this->verificationRepository->findByIdentifier(
'confirmdelete-' . QUI::getUserBySession()->getUUID()
if (Verifier::isVerificationValid($DeleteVerification)) {
$action = 'deleteaccount_confirm_wait';
$this->setJavaScriptControlOption('deletestarted', 1);
} else {
if ($verification) {
if ($verification->isValid()) {
$action = 'deleteaccount_confirm_wait';
$this->setJavaScriptControlOption('deletestarted', 1);
} else {
} catch (Exception) {
// nothing - no active user delete verification
......@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
use QUI;
use QUI\FrontendUsers\Handler as FrontendUsersHandler;
use QUI\Utils\Security\Orthos;
use QUI\Verification\Interface\VerificationRepositoryInterface;
use QUI\Verification\VerificationRepository;
use function array_filter;
use function array_keys;
......@@ -29,8 +31,14 @@ class UserData extends AbstractProfileControl
* UserData constructor.
* @param array $attributes
public function __construct(array $attributes = [])
public function __construct(
array $attributes = [],
private ?VerificationRepositoryInterface $verificationRepository = null
) {
if (is_null($this->verificationRepository)) {
$this->verificationRepository = new VerificationRepository();
......@@ -60,11 +68,13 @@ public function getBody(): string
try {
$verification = $this->verificationRepository->findByIdentifier(
'confirmemail-' . $User->getUUID()
if (is_null($verification)) {
$emailChangeRequested = false;
} catch (Exception) {
$emailChangeRequested = false;
......@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ public function register()
case $RegistrarHandler::ACTIVATION_MODE_AUTO:
if (!$NewUser->isActive()) {
$NewUser->activate(false, $SystemUser);
$NewUser->activate('', $SystemUser);
if ($registrarSettings['activationMode'] == $RegistrarHandler::ACTIVATION_MODE_AUTO_WITH_EMAIL_CONFIRM) {
......@@ -415,8 +415,10 @@ protected function siteTermsPrivacy(QUI\Interfaces\Template\EngineInterface $Eng
'termsOfUseUrl' => $SiteTerms->getUrlRewritten(),
'termsOfUseSiteId' => $SiteTerms->getId(),
'termsOfUseSiteTitle' => $SiteTerms->getAttribute('title'),
'privacyPolicyUrl' => $SitePrivacy->getUrlRewritten(),
'privacyPolicySiteId' => $SitePrivacy->getId(),
'privacyPolicySiteTitle' => $SitePrivacy->getAttribute('title')
......@@ -426,6 +428,7 @@ protected function siteTermsPrivacy(QUI\Interfaces\Template\EngineInterface $Eng
'termsOfUseUrl' => $SiteTerms->getUrlRewritten(),
'termsOfUseSiteId' => $SiteTerms->getId(),
'termsOfUseSiteTitle' => $SiteTerms->getAttribute('title')
......@@ -435,6 +438,7 @@ protected function siteTermsPrivacy(QUI\Interfaces\Template\EngineInterface $Eng
'privacyPolicyUrl' => $SitePrivacy->getUrlRewritten(),
'privacyPolicySiteId' => $SitePrivacy->getId(),
'privacyPolicySiteTitle' => $SitePrivacy->getAttribute('title')
......@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
use QUI;
use QUI\Exception;
use QUI\Verification\AbstractVerification;
use QUI\Verification\Entity\LinkVerification;
use QUI\Verification\Enum\VerificationErrorReason;
use QUI\Verification\Entity\AbstractVerification;
* Class EmailConfirmVerification
......@@ -13,16 +15,17 @@
* @package QUI\FrontendUsers
class EmailConfirmVerification extends AbstractVerification
class EmailConfirmLinkVerification extends AbstractFrontendUsersLinkVerificationHandler
* Get the duration of a Verification (minutes)
* @param AbstractVerification $verification
* @return int - duration in minutes;
* if this method returns false use the module setting default value
* @throws Exception
public function getValidDuration(): int
public function getValidDuration(AbstractVerification $verification): int
$settings = Handler::getInstance()->getMailSettings();
return (int)$settings['verificationValidityDuration'];
......@@ -31,16 +34,16 @@ public function getValidDuration(): int
* Execute this method on successful verification
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @return void
public function onSuccess(): void
public function onSuccess(LinkVerification $verification): void
$userId = $this->getIdentifier();
try {
$RegistrarHandler = QUI\FrontendUsers\Handler::getInstance();
$User = QUI::getUsers()->get($userId);
$newEmail = $this->additionalData['newEmail'];
$userUuid = $verification->getCustomDataEntry('uuid');
$User = QUI::getUsers()->get($userUuid);
$newEmail = $verification->getCustomDataEntry('newEmail');
// if users cannot set their own username -> change username as well
// if it equals the old email-address
......@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ public function onSuccess(): void
} catch (\Exception $Exception) {
self::class . ' :: onSuccess -> Could not find user #' . $userId
self::class . ' :: onSuccess -> Could not find user #' . $userUuid
......@@ -67,9 +70,11 @@ public function onSuccess(): void
* Execute this method on unsuccessful verification
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @param VerificationErrorReason $reason
* @return void
public function onError(): void
public function onError(LinkVerification $verification, VerificationErrorReason $reason): void
// nothing
......@@ -77,9 +82,10 @@ public function onError(): void
* This message is displayed to the user on successful verification
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @return string
public function getSuccessMessage(): string
public function getSuccessMessage(LinkVerification $verification): string
return '';
......@@ -87,10 +93,11 @@ public function getSuccessMessage(): string
* This message is displayed to the user on unsuccessful verification
* @param string $reason - The reason for the error (see \QUI\Verification\Verifier::REASON_)
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @param VerificationErrorReason $reason
* @return string
public function getErrorMessage(string $reason): string
public function getErrorMessage(LinkVerification $verification, VerificationErrorReason $reason): string
return '';
......@@ -98,17 +105,22 @@ public function getErrorMessage(string $reason): string
* Automatically redirect the user to this URL on successful verification
* @return string|false - If this method returns false, no redirection takes place
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @return string|null - If this method returns false, no redirection takes place
* @throws Exception
public function getOnSuccessRedirectUrl(): bool|string
public function getOnSuccessRedirectUrl(LinkVerification $verification): ?string
$RegistrationSite = Handler::getInstance()->getRegistrationSignUpSite(
$project = $this->getProject($verification);
if (!$project) {
return null;
$RegistrationSite = Handler::getInstance()->getRegistrationSignUpSite($project);
if (!$RegistrationSite) {
return false;
return null;
return $RegistrationSite->getUrlRewritten([], [
......@@ -119,37 +131,23 @@ public function getOnSuccessRedirectUrl(): bool|string
* Automatically redirect the user to this URL on unsuccessful verification
* @return string|false - If this method returns false, no redirection takes place
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @param VerificationErrorReason $reason
* @return string|null - If this method returns false, no redirection takes place
* @throws Exception
public function getOnErrorRedirectUrl(): bool|string
public function getOnErrorRedirectUrl(LinkVerification $verification, VerificationErrorReason $reason): ?string
$RegistrationSite = Handler::getInstance()->getRegistrationSignUpSite(
$project = $this->getProject($verification);
$RegistrationSite = Handler::getInstance()->getRegistrationSignUpSite($project);
if (!$RegistrationSite) {
return false;
return null;
return $RegistrationSite->getUrlRewritten([], [
'error' => 'emailconfirm'
* Get the Project this Verification is intended for
* @return QUI\Projects\Project
* @throws Exception
protected function getProject(): QUI\Projects\Project
$additionalData = $this->getAdditionalData();
return QUI::getProjectManager()->getProject(
......@@ -4,21 +4,24 @@
use QUI;
use QUI\Exception;
use QUI\Verification\AbstractVerification;
use QUI\Verification\Entity\LinkVerification;
use QUI\Verification\Enum\VerificationErrorReason;
use QUI\Verification\Entity\AbstractVerification;
* User verification to confirm an e-mail-address
class EmailVerification extends AbstractVerification
class EmailVerification extends AbstractFrontendUsersLinkVerificationHandler
* Get the duration of a Verification (minutes)
* @param AbstractVerification $verification
* @return int - duration in minutes;
* if this method returns false use the module setting default value
* @throws Exception
public function getValidDuration(): int
public function getValidDuration(AbstractVerification $verification): int
$settings = Handler::getInstance()->getMailSettings();
return (int)$settings['verificationValidityDuration'];
......@@ -27,16 +30,15 @@ public function getValidDuration(): int
* Execute this method on successful verification
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @return void
* @throws \Exception
public function onSuccess(): void
public function onSuccess(LinkVerification $verification): void
$userId = $this->getIdentifier();
try {
$User = QUI::getUsers()->get($userId);
$email = $this->additionalData['email'];
$User = QUI::getUsers()->get($verification->getCustomDataEntry('uuid'));
$email = $verification->getCustomDataEntry('email');
Utils::setEmailAddressAsVerfifiedForUser($email, $User);
} catch (\Exception $Exception) {
......@@ -48,9 +50,11 @@ public function onSuccess(): void
* Execute this method on unsuccessful verification
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @param VerificationErrorReason $reason
* @return void
public function onError(): void
public function onError(LinkVerification $verification, VerificationErrorReason $reason): void
// nothing
......@@ -58,9 +62,10 @@ public function onError(): void
* This message is displayed to the user on successful verification
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @return string
public function getSuccessMessage(): string
public function getSuccessMessage(LinkVerification $verification): string
return '';
......@@ -68,10 +73,11 @@ public function getSuccessMessage(): string
* This message is displayed to the user on unsuccessful verification
* @param string $reason - The reason for the error (see \QUI\Verification\Verifier::REASON_)
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @param VerificationErrorReason $reason
* @return string
public function getErrorMessage(string $reason): string
public function getErrorMessage(LinkVerification $verification, VerificationErrorReason $reason): string
return '';
......@@ -79,17 +85,18 @@ public function getErrorMessage(string $reason): string
* Automatically redirect the user to this URL on successful verification
* @return string|false - If this method returns false, no redirection takes place
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @return string|null - If this method returns false, no redirection takes place
* @throws Exception
public function getOnSuccessRedirectUrl(): bool|string
public function getOnSuccessRedirectUrl(LinkVerification $verification): ?string
$RegistrationSite = Handler::getInstance()->getRegistrationSignUpSite(
if (!$RegistrationSite) {
return false;
return null;
return $RegistrationSite->getUrlRewritten([], [
......@@ -100,37 +107,23 @@ public function getOnSuccessRedirectUrl(): bool|string
* Automatically redirect the user to this URL on unsuccessful verification
* @return string|false - If this method returns false, no redirection takes place
* @param LinkVerification $verification
* @param VerificationErrorReason $reason
* @return string|null - If this method returns false, no redirection takes place
* @throws Exception
public function getOnErrorRedirectUrl(): bool|string
public function getOnErrorRedirectUrl(LinkVerification $verification, VerificationErrorReason $reason): ?string
$RegistrationSite = Handler::getInstance()->getRegistrationSignUpSite(
if (!$RegistrationSite) {
return false;
return null;
return $RegistrationSite->getUrlRewritten([], [
'error' => 'emailconfirm'
* Get the Project this Verification is intended for
* @return QUI\Projects\Project
* @throws Exception
protected function getProject(): QUI\Projects\Project
$additionalData = $this->getAdditionalData();
return QUI::getProjectManager()->getProject(
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
use QUI;
use QUI\Exception;
use QUI\Interfaces\Users\User;
use QUI\Verification\Verifier;
use QUI\Smarty\Collector;
use QUI\Verification\VerificationRepository;
use function base64_encode;
use function json_encode;
......@@ -234,13 +234,16 @@ public static function onUserDelete(User $User): void
// delete Verification for user (if not yet deleted by quiqqer/verification cron)
try {
$Verification = Verifier::getVerificationByIdentifier(
$repository = new VerificationRepository();
$verification = $repository->findByIdentifier(
'activate-' . $User->getUUID()
} catch (\Exception) {
// if Verification not found it does not have to be deleted
if ($verification) {
} catch (\Throwable) {
// nothing -> if Verification not found it does not have to be deleted
......@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
namespace QUI\FrontendUsers;
use QUI;
use QUI\Interfaces\Users\User as QUIUserInterface;
use QUI\Mail\Mailer;
use QUI\Utils\Singleton;
use QUI\Verification\Verifier;
use QUI\Interfaces\Users\User as QUIUserInterface;
use QUI\Verification\Interface\VerificationFactoryInterface;
use QUI\Verification\VerificationFactory;
use function array_filter;
use function time;
......@@ -97,8 +98,13 @@ class Handler extends Singleton
* Handler constructor.
public function __construct()
public function __construct(
private ?VerificationFactoryInterface $verificationFactory = null
) {
if (is_null($this->verificationFactory)) {
$this->verificationFactory = new VerificationFactory();
$this->Registrar = new RegistrarCollection();
......@@ -412,13 +418,17 @@ public function sendActivationMail(QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User, RegistrarInt
$Project = $Registrar->getProject();
$ActivationVerification = new ActivationVerification($User->getUUID(), [
'project' => $Project->getName(),
'projectLang' => $Project->getLang(),
'registrar' => $Registrar->getHash()
$activationLink = Verifier::startVerification($ActivationVerification, true);
$verification = $this->verificationFactory->createLinkVerification(
'activate-' . $User->getUUID(),
new ActivationLinkVerification(),
'uuid' => $User->getUUID(),
'project' => $Project->getName(),
'projectLang' => $Project->getLang(),
'registrar' => $Registrar->getHash()
$L = QUI::getLocale();
$lg = 'quiqqer/frontend-users';
......@@ -445,7 +455,7 @@ public function sendActivationMail(QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User, RegistrarInt
'userLastName' => $User->getAttribute('lastname') ?: '',
'email' => $User->getAttribute('email'),
'date' => $L->formatDate(time()),
'activationLink' => $activationLink
'activationLink' => $verification->getVerificationUrl()
......@@ -603,13 +613,17 @@ public function sendChangeEmailAddressMail(
string $newEmail,
QUI\Projects\Project $Project
): void {
$EmailConfirmVerification = new EmailConfirmVerification($User->getUUID(), [
'project' => $Project->getName(),
'projectLang' => $Project->getLang(),
'newEmail' => $newEmail
$confirmLink = Verifier::startVerification($EmailConfirmVerification, true);
$verification = $this->verificationFactory->createLinkVerification(
'confirmemail-' . $User->getUUID(),
new EmailConfirmLinkVerification(),
'uuid' => $User->getUUID(),
'project' => $Project->getName(),
'projectLang' => $Project->getLang(),
'newEmail' => $newEmail
$L = QUI::getLocale();
$lg = 'quiqqer/frontend-users';
......@@ -634,7 +648,7 @@ public function sendChangeEmailAddressMail(
'userLastName' => $User->getAttribute('lastname') ?: '',
'email' => $newEmail,
'date' => $L->formatDate(time()),
'confirmLink' => $confirmLink
'confirmLink' => $verification->getVerificationUrl()
......@@ -646,6 +660,7 @@ public function sendChangeEmailAddressMail(
* Send email to confirm an email address.
......@@ -661,13 +676,16 @@ public function sendEmailConfirmationMail(
string $email,
QUI\Projects\Project $Project
): void {
$EmailConfirmVerification = new EmailVerification($User->getUUID(), [
'project' => $Project->getName(),
'projectLang' => $Project->getLang(),
'email' => $email
$confirmLink = Verifier::startVerification($EmailConfirmVerification, true);
$verification = $this->verificationFactory->createLinkVerification(
'confirmemail-' . $User->getUUID(),
new EmailVerification(),
'uuid' => $User->getUUID(),
'project' => $Project->getName(),
'projectLang' => $Project->getLang(),
'email' => $email
$L = QUI::getLocale();
$lg = 'quiqqer/frontend-users';
......@@ -692,7 +710,7 @@ public function sendEmailConfirmationMail(
'userLastName' => $User->getAttribute('lastname') ?: '',
'email' => $email,
'date' => $L->formatDate(time()),
'confirmLink' => $confirmLink
'confirmLink' => $verification->getVerificationUrl()
......@@ -717,12 +735,15 @@ public function sendEmailConfirmationMail(
public function sendDeleteUserConfirmationMail(QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User, QUI\Projects\Project $Project): void
$DeleteUserVerification = new UserDeleteConfirmVerification($User->getUUID(), [
'project' => $Project->getName(),
'projectLang' => $Project->getLang()
$confirmLink = Verifier::startVerification($DeleteUserVerification, true);
$verification = $this->verificationFactory->createLinkVerification(
'confirmdelete-' . $User->getUUID(),
new UserDeleteConfirmLinkVerification(),
'uuid' => $User->getUUID(),
'project' => $Project->getName(),
'projectLang' => $Project->getLang()
$L = QUI::getLocale();
$lg = 'quiqqer/frontend-users';
......@@ -746,7 +767,7 @@ public function sendDeleteUserConfirmationMail(QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User,
'userFirstName' => $User->getAttribute('firstname') ?: '',
'userLastName' => $User->getAttribute('lastname') ?: '',
'date' => $L->formatDate(time()),
'confirmLink' => $confirmLink
'confirmLink' => $verification