Commits auf Quelle (2)
verfasst von Henning Leutz
Multiple changes were made to improve code quality and functionality. Here's a summary of the changes: - Debug log statements were removed from `ArticleList.js` and `ArticleSummary.js` for calculation enabling and disabling methods. This helps to keep the console clean and focussed on critical issues. - Changed a misused property name from `hash` to `uuid` in `CopyErpEntityDialog.js`. This ensures correct usage of identifiers. - Multiple formatting changes for function declarations in `ERPEntities.js`, functions now follow the format `function () {}` for unnamed functions. - A `#id` field is newly included in `openPanelByUUID` function of `ERPEntities.js`. These changes are expected to augment the performance of ERP modules, and improve the overall readability of the code.
5bf21ccc -
verfasst von Henning Leutz
fix: adjust uuid usage See merge request !177
- bin/backend/controls/articles/ArticleList.js 0 Ergänzungen, 2 Löschungenbin/backend/controls/articles/ArticleList.js
- bin/backend/controls/articles/ArticleSummary.js 0 Ergänzungen, 2 Löschungenbin/backend/controls/articles/ArticleSummary.js
- bin/backend/controls/dialogs/CopyErpEntityDialog.js 1 Ergänzung, 1 Löschungbin/backend/controls/dialogs/CopyErpEntityDialog.js
- bin/backend/utils/ERPEntities.js 14 Ergänzungen, 13 Löschungenbin/backend/utils/ERPEntities.js