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Code-Schnipsel Gruppen Projekte

fix: adjust uuid usage

Zusammengeführt Henning Leutz schlägt vor, next-3.x in main zu mergen.

Multiple changes were made to improve code quality and functionality. Here's a summary of the changes:

  • Debug log statements were removed from ArticleList.js and ArticleSummary.js for calculation enabling and disabling methods. This helps to keep the console clean and focussed on critical issues.
  • Changed a misused property name from hash to uuid in CopyErpEntityDialog.js. This ensures correct usage of identifiers.
  • Multiple formatting changes for function declarations in ERPEntities.js, functions now follow the format function () {} for unnamed functions.
  • A #id field is newly included in openPanelByUUID function of ERPEntities.js.

These changes are expected to augment the performance of ERP modules, and improve the overall readability of the code.

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