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  • quiqqer/erp
1 Ergebnis
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Commits auf Quelle (2)
  • Henning Leutz's avatar
    fix: allow null user type in setuser methods and improve type hinting · eefbf9a0
    verfasst von Henning Leutz
    This commit includes changes made to both the Article.php and ArticleList.php classes in the
    QUI\ERP\Accounting directory. The setUser methods now accept a null type for the 'User' parameter,
    giving more flexibility when calculating user details.
    Type hinting was also improved in the ArticleList class. The variable type indicators were changed
    from 'int|float' to 'int | float', and from 'Factor|QUI\\ERP\\Products\\Utils\\PriceFactor' to
    'Factor | QUI\\ERP\\Products\\Utils\\PriceFactor', improving readability and clarity of code.
    Lastly, the 'template' and 'articleTemplate' parameters in the 'toHTMLWithCSS' method now support
    both 'bool' and 'string' types, adding flexibility to template usage.
  • Henning Leutz's avatar
    Merge branch 'next-3.x' into 'main' · fcf8f609
    verfasst von Henning Leutz
    fix: allow null user type in setuser methods and improve type hinting
    See merge request !173
......@@ -499,9 +499,9 @@ public function getUser(): ?QUI\Interfaces\Users\User
* Set the user to the product, this user will be used for the calculation
* @param QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User
* @param null|QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User
public function setUser(QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User): void
public function setUser(null | QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User): void
$this->calculated = false;
$this->User = $User;
......@@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ class ArticleList extends ArticleListUnique implements IteratorAggregate
* @var int|float
protected int|float $sum;
protected int | float $sum;
* @var int|float
protected int|float $grandSubSum;
protected int | float $grandSubSum;
* @var ?QUI\Interfaces\Users\User
protected QUI\Interfaces\Users\User|null $User = null;
protected QUI\Interfaces\Users\User | null $User = null;
* @var ?QUI\ERP\Order\AbstractOrder
......@@ -59,17 +59,17 @@ class ArticleList extends ArticleListUnique implements IteratorAggregate
* @var int|float
protected int|float $subSum;
protected int | float $subSum;
* @var int|float
protected int|float $nettoSum;
protected int | float $nettoSum;
* @var int|float
protected int|float $nettoSubSum;
protected int | float $nettoSubSum;
* key 19% value[sum] = sum value[text] = text value[display_sum] formatted
......@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ public function __construct(array $attributes = [])
* Set the user for the list
* User for calculation
* @param QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User
* @param null|QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User
public function setUser(QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User): void
public function setUser(null | QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User): void
if ($this->User === $User) {
......@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ public function importPriceFactors(QUI\ERP\Accounting\PriceFactors\FactorList $P
* @throws Exception
public function addPriceFactor(Factor|QUI\ERP\Products\Utils\PriceFactor $PriceFactor): void
public function addPriceFactor(Factor | QUI\ERP\Products\Utils\PriceFactor $PriceFactor): void
if ($PriceFactor instanceof QUI\ERP\Products\Utils\PriceFactor) {
$isNetto = $this->isNetto;
......@@ -550,8 +550,8 @@ public function renderForMail(): string
public function toHTMLWithCSS(
bool|string $template = false,
bool|string $articleTemplate = false,
bool | string $template = false,
bool | string $articleTemplate = false,
?QUI\Interfaces\Template\EngineInterface $Engine = null,
): string {
return $this->toUniqueList()->toHTMLWithCSS($template, $articleTemplate, $Engine);