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Code-Schnipsel Gruppen Projekte

fix: allow null user type in setuser methods and improve type hinting

Zusammengeführt Henning Leutz schlägt vor, next-3.x in main zu mergen.

This commit includes changes made to both the Article.php and ArticleList.php classes in the QUI\ERP\Accounting directory. The setUser methods now accept a null type for the 'User' parameter, giving more flexibility when calculating user details.

Type hinting was also improved in the ArticleList class. The variable type indicators were changed from 'int|float' to 'int | float', and from 'Factor|QUI\ERP\Products\Utils\PriceFactor' to 'Factor | QUI\ERP\Products\Utils\PriceFactor', improving readability and clarity of code.

Lastly, the 'template' and 'articleTemplate' parameters in the 'toHTMLWithCSS' method now support both 'bool' and 'string' types, adding flexibility to template usage.

Merge Request-Berichte

Pipeline #15642 bestanden

Pipeline bestanden für eefbf9a0 auf next-3.x

Merged von Henning LeutzHenning Leutz vor 4 Wochen (Feb 26, 2025 9:57Vormittags UTC)


Pipeline #15647 bestanden

Pipeline bestanden für fcf8f609 auf main


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