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Commit 2f6fd212 erstellt von Patrick Müller's avatar Patrick Müller
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Übergeordneter 4dfdd231
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"name": "quiqqer\/coupons",
"type": "quiqqer-module",
"description": "Coupons for QUIQQER",
"license": "GPL-3.0+",
"authors": [
"name": "Patrick M\u00fcller",
"email": "",
"homepage": "http:\/\/",
"role": "Developer"
"support": {
"email": ""
"require": {
"quiqqer\/quiqqer": "^1.2|*@dev",
"quiqqer\/discount": "^1|*@dev",
"quiqqer/products": "^1.3|*@dev"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"QUI\\ERP\\Coupons\\": "src\/QUI\/ERP\/Coupons"
"name": "quiqqer\/coupons",
"type": "quiqqer-module",
"description": "Coupons for QUIQQER",
"license": "GPL-3.0+",
"authors": [
"name": "Patrick M\u00fcller",
"email": "",
"homepage": "https:\/\/",
"role": "Developer"
"support": {
"email": ""
"require": {
"quiqqer\/quiqqer": "^1.2|*@dev",
"quiqqer\/discount": "^1.1|*@dev",
"quiqqer/products": "^1.3|*@dev"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"QUI\\ERP\\Coupons\\": "src\/QUI\/ERP\/Coupons"
......@@ -36,4 +36,12 @@
<event on="onQuiqqerOrderOrderProcessGetBodyBegin"
<event on="onQuiqqerOrderBasketToOrderBegin"
......@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@
<groups name="quiqqer/coupons" datatype="php">
<locale name="Coupon.mail.subject">
<locale name="ProductCoupon.mail.subject">
<de><![CDATA[Ihr persönlicher Gutschein-Code]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Your personal coupon code]]></en>
<locale name="Coupon.mail.body">
<locale name="ProductCoupon.mail.body">
<p>Hallo [customerName],</p>
<p>vielen Dank für Ihren Gutschein-Einkauf. Hiermit erhalten Sie Ihren exklusiven Gutschein-Code für "[couponDescription]".</p>
<p>vielen Dank für Ihren Gutschein-Einkauf. Hiermit erhalten Sie Ihren exklusiven Gutschein-Code für "[productTitle]".</p>
<b>Gutschein-Code:</b> [couponCode]<br/>
<b>Wert:</b> [discountAmountFormatted]<br/>
......@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
<b>Einlösbar bis:</b> [validUntilDateFormatted]<br/>
Beste Grüße<br/>
......@@ -114,18 +115,28 @@ Beste Grüße<br/>
<locale name="Coupon.mail.transferable_info.is_transferable">
<de><![CDATA[Sie dürfen diesen Gutschein verschenken! Der Gutschein-Code ist nicht personalisiert und kann von jedem in unserem Shop eingelöst werden. Bewahren Sie ihn daher gut auf!]]></de>
<locale name="ProductCoupon.mail.transferable_info.is_transferable">
<![CDATA[Sie dürfen diesen Gutschein verschenken! Der Gutschein-Code ist nicht personalisiert und kann von jedem in unserem Shop eingelöst werden. Bewahren Sie ihn daher gut auf!]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[You may give this coupn as a gift! The coupon code is not personalized and can be redeemed by anyone in our store. Therefore, keep it safe!]]></en>
<locale name="Coupon.mail.transferable_info.is_not_transferable">
<de><![CDATA[Bitte bachten Sie: Dieser Gutschein kann nur von Ihnen persönlich eingesetzt werden, wenn Sie in unserem Shop eingeloggt sind. Dritte können den Gutschein-Code nicht einlösen.]]></de>
<locale name="ProductCoupon.mail.transferable_info.is_not_transferable">
<![CDATA[Bitte bachten Sie: Dieser Gutschein kann nur von Ihnen persönlich eingesetzt werden, wenn Sie in unserem Shop eingeloggt sind. Dritte können den Gutschein-Code nicht einlösen.]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Please note: This voucher can only be used by you personally when you are logged in to our store. Third parties can not redeem the voucher code.]]></en>
<locale name="ProductCoupon.mail.profile_download_info">
<de><![CDATA[Sie finden den Gutschein als PDF-Datei im Anhang oder in Ihrem Benutzer-Profil in unserem Shop (bitte vorher einloggen).]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[You can find the coupon as a PDF file attached or in your user profile in our shop (please log in first).]]></en>
<locale name="ProductCoupon.coupon_title">
<de><![CDATA[Produkt #[productId] aus Bestellung [orderId]]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Product #[productId] from order [orderId]]]></en>
<locale name="DownloadProduct.pdf.filename">
<locale name="CouponCode.tpl.header">
<de><![CDATA[G U T S C H E I N]]></de>
......@@ -153,8 +164,8 @@ Beste Grüße<br/>
<en><![CDATA[Coupon code [couponCode]]]></en>
<locale name="Discount.default_title.product">
<de><![CDATA[Produkt "[productTitle]" (#[productId])]]></de>
<en><![CDATA[Product "[productTitle]" (#[productId])]]></en>
<locale name="exception.ajax.create.missing_field">
......@@ -552,4 +552,62 @@ public static function onQuiqqerOrderCreated(AbstractOrder $Order)
public static function onQuiqqerOrderBasketToOrderBegin(
QUI\ERP\Order\Basket\BasketOrder $BasketOrder,
AbstractOrder $Order,
array &$products
) {
foreach ($products as $k => $product) {
$products[$k]['vat'] = 0;
* quiqqer/order: onQuiqqerOrderOrderProcessGetBodyBegin
* Set VAT to 0% for specific coupons.
* @param QUI\ERP\Order\OrderProcess $OrderProcess
* @return void
public static function onQuiqqerOrderOrderProcessGetBodyBegin(QUI\ERP\Order\OrderProcess $OrderProcess)
try {
$Order = $OrderProcess->getOrder();
} catch (\Exception $Exception) {
if (empty($Order)) {
// $OrderBasket = new QUI\ERP\Order\Basket\BasketOrder($Order->getHash());
// foreach ($OrderBasket->get)
$Articles = $Order->getArticles();
$articleStock = [];
/** @var QUI\ERP\Accounting\Article $Article */
foreach ($Articles as $Article) {
try {
// Do not parse coupon codes / discounts
if (empty($Article->getId()) || !\is_numeric($Article->getId())) {
$Product = Products::getProduct($Article->getId());
if ($Product instanceof CouponProductType) {
} catch (\Exception $Exception) {
......@@ -46,26 +46,41 @@ public static function createCouponCodesFromOrder(QUI\ERP\Order\AbstractOrder $O
$CouponCode = self::createCouponCodeFromProduct($Product, $Customer);
$couponPdfFile = null;
$CouponCode = self::createCouponCodeFromProduct($Product, $Order, $Customer);
$couponFilePathCustomerDir = null;
// Generate coupon PDF
if ($Product->getFieldValue(CouponProductType::PRODUCT_FIELD_ID_GENERATE_PDF)) {
$couponPdfFile = self::createCouponCodePdf($CouponCode, $Product);
// Add PDF file to customer files
CustomerFiles::addFileToCustomer($Customer->getId(), $couponPdfFile);
// Rename file
$productTitelSanitized = preg_replace("/[^\p{L}\p{N} ]/ui", '', $Product->getTitle());
$fileName = QUI::getLocale()->get(
'productTitle' => \str_replace(' ', '_', $productTitelSanitized),
'date' => \date('Y_m_d')
$fileName .= '__'.\mb_substr($Order->getHash(), 0, 6);
$customerDir = CustomerFiles::getFolderPath($Customer);
$pdfFileCustomer = $customerDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.\basename($couponPdfFile, '.pdf');
$newCouponPdfFile = \str_replace(\basename($couponPdfFile, '.pdf'), $fileName, $couponPdfFile);
CustomerFiles::addFileToDownloadEntry($Customer->getId(), $pdfFileCustomer);
\rename($couponPdfFile, $newCouponPdfFile);
// Add PDF file to customer files
CustomerFiles::addFileToCustomer($Customer->getId(), $newCouponPdfFile);
CustomerFiles::addFileToDownloadEntry($Customer->getId(), \basename($newCouponPdfFile));
$customerDir = CustomerFiles::getFolderPath($Customer);
$couponFilePathCustomerDir = $customerDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.\basename($newCouponPdfFile);
// Send coupon via email
self::sendCouponMail($CouponCode, $Product, $Customer, $couponPdfFile);
self::sendCouponMail($CouponCode, $Product, $Customer, $couponFilePathCustomerDir);
} catch (\Exception $Exception) {
if ($Exception->getCode() === 404) {
......@@ -80,16 +95,28 @@ public static function createCouponCodesFromOrder(QUI\ERP\Order\AbstractOrder $O
* Create coupon codes from an order
* @param Product $Product
* @param QUI\ERP\Order\AbstractOrder $Order
* @param QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User - The user that bought the product
* @return CouponCode
* @throws QUI\Exception
* @throws \Exception
protected static function createCouponCodeFromProduct(Product $Product, QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User): CouponCode
protected static function createCouponCodeFromProduct(
Product $Product,
QUI\ERP\Order\AbstractOrder $Order,
QUI\Interfaces\Users\User $User
): CouponCode {
$Discount = self::createDiscountFromProduct($Product);
$couponAttributes = [
'title' => QUI::getSystemLocale()->get(
'orderId' => $Order->getPrefixedId(),
'productId' => $Product->getId()
'maxUsages' => CouponsHandler::MAX_USAGE_ONCE
......@@ -170,18 +197,7 @@ protected static function createDiscountFromProduct(Product $Product): Discount
public static function createCouponCodePdf(CouponCode $CouponCode, Product $Product): string
$fileName = QUI::getLocale()->get(
'productTitle' => \str_replace(' ', '_', $Product->getTitle()),
'date' => \date('Y_m_d')
$Document = new Document([
'filename' => $fileName.'.pdf',
$Document = new Document();
// $Document->setAttribute('foldingMarks', true);
$Document->setAttribute('disableSmartShrinking', true);
......@@ -190,6 +206,7 @@ public static function createCouponCodePdf(CouponCode $CouponCode, Product $Prod
$Document->setAttribute('marginBottom', 40);
$Document->setAttribute('marginLeft', 0);
$Document->setAttribute('marginRight', 0);
$Document->setAttribute('showPageNumbers', false);
$Engine = QUI::getTemplateManager()->getEngine();
......@@ -243,42 +260,49 @@ public static function sendCouponMail(
$Mailer = QUI::getMailManager()->getMailer();
$Mailer->setSubject(QUI::getLocale()->get('quiqqer/coupons', 'Coupon.mail.subject'));
$Mailer->setSubject(QUI::getLocale()->get('quiqqer/coupons', 'ProductCoupon.mail.subject'));
$couponViewData = self::getCouponViewData($CouponCode, $Product);
if ($couponViewData['isTransferable']) {
$transferableInfo = QUI::getLocale()->get(
} else {
$transferableInfo = QUI::getLocale()->get(
$profileDownloadInfo = '';
if ($couponPdfFile) {
$profileDownloadInfo = QUI::getLocale()->get(
'customerName' => $Customer->getName(),
'company' => QUI\ERP\Defaults::conf('company', 'name'),
'transferableInfo' => $transferableInfo
'customerName' => $Customer->getName(),
'company' => QUI\ERP\Defaults::conf('company', 'name'),
'transferableInfo' => $transferableInfo,
'profileDownloadInfo' => $profileDownloadInfo
if ($couponPdfFile) {
......@@ -324,6 +348,7 @@ protected static function getCouponViewData(CouponCode $CouponCode, Product $Pro
return [
'isTransferable' => empty($User),
'couponCode' => $CouponCode->getCode(),
'productTitle' => $Product->getTitle(),
'userName' => $User ? $User->getName() : false,
'couponDescription' => $Product->getFieldValueByLocale(
0% oder .
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