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Bestätigt Commit 87fed830 erstellt von Jan Wennrich's avatar Jan Wennrich
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chore: add developer scripts to composer.json

Übergeordneter aa1db0d4
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3 Merge Requests!5Update 'next-2.x' with latest changes from 'main',!4Next 1.x,!3Add QUIQQER Tooling
"name": "quiqqer\/authgoogle2fa",
"name": "quiqqer/authgoogle2fa",
"type": "quiqqer-module",
"description": "QUIQQER Authentication with Google Authenticator",
"license": "GPL-3.0+",
"homepage": "https:\/\/",
"homepage": "",
"authors": [
"name": "Patrick M\u00fcller",
"name": "Patrick Müller",
"email": "",
"homepage": "http:\/\/",
"homepage": "",
"role": "Developer"
"support": {
"email": "",
"url": "http:\/\/"
"url": ""
"require": {
"quiqqer\/quiqqer": ">=1.1|dev-master|dev-dev",
"pragmarx\/google2fa": "2.*",
"bacon\/bacon-qr-code": "~1.0"
"quiqqer/quiqqer": ">=1.1|dev-master|dev-dev",
"pragmarx/google2fa": "2.*",
"bacon/bacon-qr-code": "~1.0"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"QUI\\Auth\\Google2Fa\\": "src\/QUI\/Auth\/Google2Fa"
"QUI\\Auth\\Google2Fa\\": "src/QUI/Auth/Google2Fa"
"scripts": {
"test": [
"dev:phpunit": "./tools/phpunit",
"dev:lint": [
"dev:lint:phpstan": "./tools/phpstan",
"dev:lint:style": "./tools/phpcs",
"dev:lint:style:fix": "./tools/phpcbf",
"dev:init": [
"dev:init:check-requirements": [
"which composer > /dev/null || (echo 'Error: composer has to be globally installed'; exit 1)",
"which phive > /dev/null || (echo 'Error: PHIVE has to be globally installed'; exit 1)"
"dev:init:tools": "phive install --temporary",
"dev:init:git-hooks": "./tools/captainhook install --only-enabled --force"
"scripts-aliases": {
"test": [
"scripts-descriptions": {
"test": "Runs linting, static analysis, and unit tests.",
"dev:phpunit": "Run PHPUnit test suites",
"dev:lint": "Run PHPStan and code style check",
"dev:lint:phpstan": "Run PHPStan",
"dev:lint:style": "Run code style check (PHP_CodeSniffer)",
"dev:lint:style:fix": "Try to fix code style errors automatically",
"dev:init": "Initialize the developer tooling (tools and git hooks)",
"dev:init:check-requirements": "Check if the necessary requirements are met",
"dev:init:tools": "Install all developer tools (requires PHIVE)",
"dev:init:git-hooks": "Install all git hooks (may require tools to be installed)"
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