[0KRunning with gitlab-runner 17.1.0 (fe451d5a)[0;m [0K on dev.quiqqer.com GitLab CI Runner sc_BewxeB, system ID: s_6319c6f992f3[0;m section_start:1722781030:prepare_executor [0K[0K[36;1mPreparing the "docker" executor[0;m[0;m [0KUsing Docker executor with image composer:2 ...[0;m [0KPulling docker image composer:2 ...[0;m [0KUsing docker image sha256:7db778a5e8bd0ebfe41b8b9c63ce7b43bead6b442c854335cd27b743957411f4 for composer:2 with digest composer@sha256:65a2e581e5393b16936e72b592dc75ffe9bd28196a9d2fa9b42bab484e6990fa ...[0;m section_end:1722781032:prepare_executor [0Ksection_start:1722781032:prepare_script [0K[0K[36;1mPreparing environment[0;m[0;m Running on runner-scbewxeb-project-127-concurrent-1 via qui-gitlab-runner... section_end:1722781033:prepare_script [0Ksection_start:1722781033:get_sources [0K[0K[36;1mGetting source from Git repository[0;m[0;m [32;1mFetching changes...[0;m Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/quiqqer/package-faq/.git/ [32;1mChecking out f2e3c7c4 as detached HEAD (ref is refs/merge-requests/17/head)...[0;m [32;1mSkipping Git submodules setup[0;m section_end:1722781033:get_sources [0Ksection_start:1722781033:step_script [0K[0K[36;1mExecuting "step_script" stage of the job script[0;m[0;m [0KUsing docker image sha256:7db778a5e8bd0ebfe41b8b9c63ce7b43bead6b442c854335cd27b743957411f4 for composer:2 with digest composer@sha256:65a2e581e5393b16936e72b592dc75ffe9bd28196a9d2fa9b42bab484e6990fa ...[0;m [32;1m$ composer global require --no-interaction --prefer-stable --prefer-install=dist --update-no-dev --optimize-autoloader squizlabs/php_codesniffer=^3[0;m Changed current directory to /tmp ./composer.json has been created Running composer update squizlabs/php_codesniffer Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies Lock file operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals - Locking squizlabs/php_codesniffer (3.10.2) Writing lock file Installing dependencies from lock file Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals - Downloading squizlabs/php_codesniffer (3.10.2) - Installing squizlabs/php_codesniffer (3.10.2): Extracting archive Generating optimized autoload files 1 package you are using is looking for funding. Use the `composer fund` command to find out more! No security vulnerability advisories found. [32;1m$ /tmp/vendor/bin/phpcs -n -p --standard=PSR12 --report=full --no-cache --colors --extensions=php --ignore=*.ini.php --basepath=$CI_PROJECT_DIR $CI_PROJECT_DIR[0;m ..[32mE[0m[32mE[0m[32mE[0m 5 / 5 (100%) [1mFILE: types/entry.php[0m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1mFOUND 1 ERROR AFFECTING 1 LINE[0m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] The first expression of a multi-line control structure must | | be on the line after the opening parenthesis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1mPHPCBF CAN FIX THE 1 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY[0m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1mFILE: src/QUI/FAQ/EventsHandler.php[0m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1mFOUND 1 ERROR AFFECTING 1 LINE[0m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] The first expression of a multi-line control structure must | | be on the line after the opening parenthesis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1mPHPCBF CAN FIX THE 1 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY[0m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1mFILE: src/QUI/FAQ/Controls/Accordion.php[0m ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [1mFOUND 14 ERRORS AFFECTING 5 LINES[0m ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space before "."; 0 found 45 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space after "."; 0 found 120 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space before "."; 0 found 120 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space after "."; 0 found 120 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space before "."; 0 found 120 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space after "."; 0 found 124 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space before "."; 0 found 124 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space after "."; 0 found 124 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space before "."; 0 found 124 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space after "."; 0 found 127 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space before "."; 0 found 127 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space after "."; 0 found 154 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space before "."; 0 found 154 | [31mERROR[0m | [x] Expected at least 1 space after "."; 0 found ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [1mPHPCBF CAN FIX THE 14 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY[0m ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Time: 74ms; Memory: 6MB section_end:1722781036:step_script [0Ksection_start:1722781036:cleanup_file_variables [0K[0K[36;1mCleaning up project directory and file based variables[0;m[0;m section_end:1722781036:cleanup_file_variables [0K[31;1mERROR: Job failed: exit code 1 [0;m