diff --git a/locale.xml b/locale.xml
index a55087e6f72df8ab711a87ee514507199f66bb05..f85546e98d3d55c987cd03fd6718ea78e7550816 100644
--- a/locale.xml
+++ b/locale.xml
@@ -69,8 +69,24 @@
         <locale name="quiqqer.faq.category.settings.offset.desc">
-            <de><![CDATA[Der Versatz (in Pixel) sagt, um wie viele zusätzliche Pixel soll die Seite gescrollt werden, wenn man ein FAQ Titel anklickt. Das ist vor allem dann hilfreich, wenn das Menü den Inhalt verdecken würde.]]></de>
-            <en><![CDATA[The offset (in pixels) specifies how many additional pixels the page should scroll when you click on a FAQ title. By doing this the menu no longer hides the linked content.]]></en>
+            <de><![CDATA[Der Versatz (in Pixel) sagt, um wie viele zusätzliche Pixel soll die Seite gescrollt werden, wenn man ein FAQ Titel anklickt. Das ist vor allem dann hilfreich, wenn das Menü den Inhalt verdecken würde. Es funktioniert nur im Standard-Template.]]></de>
+            <en><![CDATA[The offset (in pixels) specifies how many additional pixels the page should scroll when you click on a FAQ title. By doing this the menu no longer hides the linked content. It takes affect in default template.]]></en>
+        </locale>
+        <locale name="quiqqer.faq.category.settings.template">
+            <de><![CDATA[Template]]></de>
+            <en><![CDATA[Template]]></en>
+        </locale>
+        <locale name="quiqqer.faq.category.settings.template.default">
+            <de><![CDATA[Standard]]></de>
+            <en><![CDATA[Default]]></en>
+        </locale>
+        <locale name="quiqqer.faq.category.settings.template.accordion">
+            <de><![CDATA[FAQ Akkordeon Menü]]></de>
+            <en><![CDATA[FAQ Accordion Menu]]></en>
+        </locale>
+        <locale name="quiqqer.faq.settings.accordion.stayOpen">
+            <de><![CDATA[FAQ Akkordeon Menü: Einträge bleiben auf]]></de>
+            <en><![CDATA[FAQ Accordion Menu: Entries stay open]]></en>
         <!-- Brick: FAQ Accordion Menu  -->
@@ -127,7 +143,7 @@
             <en><![CDATA[Show "more entries" button]]></en>
         <locale name="brick.accordion.settings.showMoreButton.desc" html="true">
-            <de><![CDATA[Der Button wird nicht angezeigt, wenn es nicht mehr Einträgen gibt, als der Baustein anzeigt. Wenn der Baustein 10 Einträge listet aber es nur 5 FAQ Einträgen gibt, wird kein Button angezeigt. Bitte die Einstellungn <strong>"Maximale Anzahl der Einträge"</strong> beachten.]]></de>
+            <de><![CDATA[Der Button wird nicht angezeigt, wenn es nicht mehr Einträge gibt, als der Baustein anzeigt. Wenn der Baustein 10 Einträge listet aber es nur 5 FAQ Einträgen gibt, wird kein Button angezeigt. Bitte die Einstellungn <strong>"Maximale Anzahl der Einträge"</strong> beachten.]]></de>
             <en><![CDATA[The button is not displayed if there are not more entries than the brick displays. If the brick lists 10 entries and there are only 5 faq entries, no button will be displayed. Please note the <strong>"Maximum number of entries"</strong> setting.]]></en>
         <locale name="brick.accordion.button.more">
diff --git a/site.xml b/site.xml
index 303de97d28698e82453c438cc2c1f2b56c19015c..c878918591970ca569a345b534d3f8ab92ecb797 100644
--- a/site.xml
+++ b/site.xml
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
+                <attribute default="default">quiqqer.faq.settings.template</attribute>
+                <attribute default="1">quiqqer.faq.settings.accordion.stayOpen</attribute>
                 <attribute default="0">quiqqer.faq.settings.offset</attribute>
@@ -26,6 +28,24 @@
                             <locale group="quiqqer/faq" var="quiqqer.faq.category.settings.title"/>
+                        <select conf="quiqqer.faq.settings.template">
+                            <text>
+                                <locale group="quiqqer/faq" var="quiqqer.faq.category.settings.template"/>
+                            </text>
+                            <option value="default">
+                                <locale group="quiqqer/faq" var="quiqqer.faq.category.settings.template.default"/>
+                            </option>
+                            <option value="accordion">
+                                <locale group="quiqqer/faq" var="quiqqer.faq.category.settings.template.accordion"/>
+                            </option>
+                        </select>
+                        <input conf="quiqqer.faq.settings.accordion.stayOpen" type="checkbox">
+                            <text>
+                                <locale group="quiqqer/faq" var="quiqqer.faq.settings.accordion.stayOpen"/>
+                            </text>
+                        </input>
                         <input conf="quiqqer.faq.settings.offset" type="number">
                                 <locale group="quiqqer/faq" var="quiqqer.faq.category.settings.offset"/>
diff --git a/src/QUI/FAQ/Controls/Accordion.php b/src/QUI/FAQ/Controls/Accordion.php
index ccbd6443ff293f09c6e39efa6171a9b469aaa4fc..ab02df596904ac22039c69c62de71f4fc07737de 100644
--- a/src/QUI/FAQ/Controls/Accordion.php
+++ b/src/QUI/FAQ/Controls/Accordion.php
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class Accordion extends QUI\Control
         $Accordion = new QUI\Bricks\Controls\Accordion([
-            'stayOpen'     => $this->getAttribute('stayOpen'),
+            'stayOpen'     => \boolval($this->getAttribute('stayOpen')),
             'openFirst'    => $this->getAttribute('openFirst'),
             'listMaxWidth' => $this->getAttribute('listMaxWidth'),
             'entries'      => $entries
diff --git a/types/category.html b/types/category.html
index b7ca138b28fb11b0212a1978975088cc516fddd9..d99c49a1f42254c61c2cc4aef272a392a6630e7e 100644
--- a/types/category.html
+++ b/types/category.html
@@ -1,69 +1,77 @@
 {if $Template->getAttribute('content-body') && $Site->getAttribute('content')}
-<section class="content-body">
-    {$Site->getAttribute('content')}
+    <section class="content-body">
+        {$Site->getAttribute('content')}
+    </section>
-{if $offset}
-This CSS is used to scroll the page down a bit when accessed with a # in the url.
-By doing this the menu no longer hides the linked content.
-<style type="text/css">
-    :target::before {
-        content: '';
-        display: block;
-        height:      80px;
-        margin-top: -80px;
-    }
-<section itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ItemList"
-         class="content-template quiqqer-faq clear-fix"
-         data-qui="package/quiqqer/faq/bin/Category"
-         data-qui-options-offset="{$offset}"
-    {if count($entries)}
-    <ul class="quiqqer-faq-list" id="faqList" name="faqList">
-        {foreach $entries as $Faq}
-        <li>
-            <a href="{url site=$Site}#faq{$Faq->getId()}">
-                {$Faq->getAttribute('title')}
-            </a>
-        </li>
-        {/foreach}
-    </ul>
+{* Template: default*}
+{if $faqTemplate == 'default'}
+    {if $offset}
+        {*
+        This CSS is used to scroll the page down a bit when accessed with a # in the url.
+        By doing this the menu no longer hides the linked content.
+        *}
+        <style type="text/css">
+            :target::before {
+                content: '';
+                display: block;
+                height: {$offset}px;
+                margin-top: -{$offset}px;
+            }
+        </style>
-    <hr />
+    <section itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ItemList"
+             class="content-template quiqqer-faq clear-fix"
+             data-qui="package/quiqqer/faq/bin/Category"
+             data-qui-options-offset="{$offset}"
+    >
+        {if count($entries)}
+            <ul class="quiqqer-faq-list" id="faqList" name="faqList">
+                {foreach $entries as $Faq}
+                    <li>
+                        <a href="{url site=$Site}#faq{$Faq->getId()}">
+                            {$Faq->getAttribute('title')}
+                        </a>
+                    </li>
+                {/foreach}
+            </ul>
+        {/if}
-    {foreach $entries as $Faq}
-    <article id="faq{$Faq->getId()}" class="clear-fix">
-        <header>
-            <h2>{$Faq->getAttribute('title')}</h2>
-        </header>
+        <hr />
-        {if $Faq->getAttribute('short')}
-        <div class="content-short">
-            {$Faq->getAttribute('short')|nl2br}
-        </div>
-        {/if}
+        {foreach $entries as $Faq}
+            <article id="faq{$Faq->getId()}" class="clear-fix">
+                <header>
+                    <h2>{$Faq->getAttribute('title')}</h2>
+                </header>
-        <div class="content-body">
-            {$Faq->getAttribute('content')}
-        </div>
+                {if $Faq->getAttribute('short')}
+                    <div class="content-short">
+                        {$Faq->getAttribute('short')|nl2br}
+                    </div>
+                {/if}
-        <a href="#faqList" class="quiqqer-faq-list-linkToTop">
-            {locale group="quiqqer/faq" value="link.to.top"} <span class="fa fa-fw fa-level-up"></span>
-        </a>
+                <div class="content-body">
+                    {$Faq->getAttribute('content')}
+                </div>
-    </article>
+                <a href="#faqList" class="quiqqer-faq-list-linkToTop">
+                    {locale group="quiqqer/faq" value="link.to.top"} <span class="fa fa-fw fa-level-up"></span>
+                </a>
-    {if !($Faq@last)}
-    <hr />
-    {/if}
+            </article>
-    {/foreach}
+            {if !($Faq@last)}
+            <hr />
+            {/if}
+        {/foreach}
+    </section>
+{* Template: accordion*}
+{if $faqTemplate == 'accordion'}
+    <section class="content-template quiqqer-faq">
+        {$FAQControl->create()}
+    </section>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/types/category.php b/types/category.php
index f2a178559f12c22c07f567883b4eda9593b08546..a7b1ac5837ce1e0553313be10d67294fab99e3e5 100644
--- a/types/category.php
+++ b/types/category.php
@@ -1,12 +1,34 @@
-$entries = $Site->getChildren(array(
+$entries = $Site->getChildren([
     'type' => 'quiqqer/faq:types/entry'
-$offset = intval($Site->getAttribute('quiqqer.faq.settings.offset'));
+$faqTemplate = 'default';
+$offset      = false;
+$FAQControl  = null;
-    'entries' => $entries,
-    'offset'     => $offset
+switch ($Site->getAttribute('quiqqer.faq.settings.template')) {
+    case 'accordion':
+        $faqTemplate = 'accordion';
+        $FAQControl = new \QUI\FAQ\Controls\Accordion([
+            'max'        => 50,
+            'stayOpen'   => $Site->getAttribute('quiqqer.faq.settings.accordion.stayOpen'),
+            'parentSite' => $Site
+        ]);
+        break;
+    case 'default':
+    default:
+        $offset      = intval($Site->getAttribute('quiqqer.faq.settings.offset'));
+        $faqTemplate = 'default';
+        break;
+    'entries'     => $entries,
+    'faqTemplate' => $faqTemplate,
+    'offset'      => $offset,
+    'FAQControl'  => $FAQControl