diff --git a/bricks.xml b/bricks.xml
index d4c895fe69c34f05e6e442357198695aa6eabcef..981d00c3756d8d4980773c281b8b475cf9ac05c3 100644
--- a/bricks.xml
+++ b/bricks.xml
@@ -97,6 +97,13 @@
+                 <setting name="useFaqStructuredData" type="checkbox">
+                    <locale group="quiqqer/faq" var="brick.accordion.settings.useFaqStructuredData"/>
+                     <description>
+                         <locale group="quiqqer/faq" var="brick.accordion.settings.useFaqStructuredData.desc"/>
+                     </description>
+                </setting>
diff --git a/locale.xml b/locale.xml
index 5b4a79def5c2f08877bd94a7aa6d015f7573c4b2..711ce007a25d0cd97f1e67187e59cd4d0383d946 100644
--- a/locale.xml
+++ b/locale.xml
@@ -158,5 +158,15 @@
             <de><![CDATA[Seite mit weiteren Informationen. Wenn ausgewählt, wird der Button "Weitere Einträge" unter der FAQ List <strong>immer</strong> angezeigt.]]></de>
             <en><![CDATA[Page with further information. If selected, the "More entries" button will <strong>always</strong> be displayed below the FAQ List.]]></en>
+        <locale name="brick.accordion.settings.useFaqStructuredData">
+            <de><![CDATA[FAQ Schema Markup aktivieren]]></de>
+            <en><![CDATA[Use FAQ schema markup]]></en>
+        </locale>
+        <locale name="brick.accordion.settings.useFaqStructuredData.desc" html="true">
+            <de><![CDATA[Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, wird ein JSON-LD Code Snippet generiert. Dadurch kann Google die FAQ Einträgen direkt in der Suchergebnissen einblenden. Mehr zu diesem Thema auf
+            <a href="https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/structured-data/faqpage" target="_blank">Häufig gestellte Fragen mit strukturierten Daten auszeichnen</a>.]]></de>
+            <en><![CDATA[If enabled a JSON-LD code snippet will be generated. This allows Google to display the FAQ entries directly in the search results. More on this topic at
+            <a href="https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/structured-data/faqpage" target="_blank">Mark up your FAQs with structured data</a>.]]></en>
+        </locale>
diff --git a/src/QUI/FAQ/Controls/Accordion.php b/src/QUI/FAQ/Controls/Accordion.php
index ab5d4f35e93f2eac029f4ae87b07dbb28c7e7a68..fa00c221d7880c82cb702d8e45276df1af17c3e1 100644
--- a/src/QUI/FAQ/Controls/Accordion.php
+++ b/src/QUI/FAQ/Controls/Accordion.php
@@ -26,16 +26,17 @@ class Accordion extends QUI\Control
         // default options
-            'class'          => 'quiqqer-faqAccordion',
-            'order'          => 'order_field',
-            'stayOpen'       => true, // if true make accordion items stay open when another item is opened
-            'openFirst'      => true, // the first entry is initially opened
-            'listMaxWidth'   => 0, // positive numbers only, 0 disabled this option.
-            'max'            => 10, // max entries
-            'parentSite'     => null,
-            'siteType'       => 'quiqqer/faq:types/entry',
-            'showMoreButton' => false,
-            'moreSite'       => ''
+            'class'                => 'quiqqer-faqAccordion',
+            'order'                => 'order_field',
+            'stayOpen'             => true, // if true make accordion items stay open when another item is opened
+            'openFirst'            => true, // the first entry is initially opened
+            'listMaxWidth'         => 0, // positive numbers only, 0 disabled this option.
+            'max'                  => 10, // max entries
+            'parentSite'           => null,
+            'siteType'             => 'quiqqer/faq:types/entry',
+            'showMoreButton'       => false,
+            'moreSite'             => '',
+            'useFaqStructuredData' => false
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ class Accordion extends QUI\Control
         if ($showMoreButton || $this->getAttribute('moreSite')) {
             if ($this->getAttribute('moreSite')) {
                 try {
-                    $MoreSite = \QUI\Projects\Site\Utils::getSiteByLink($this->getAttribute('moreSite'));
+                    $MoreSite       = \QUI\Projects\Site\Utils::getSiteByLink($this->getAttribute('moreSite'));
                     $showMoreButton = true;
                 } catch (QUI\Exception $Exception) {
@@ -134,10 +135,11 @@ class Accordion extends QUI\Control
         $Accordion = new QUI\Bricks\Controls\Accordion([
-            'stayOpen'     => \boolval($this->getAttribute('stayOpen')),
-            'openFirst'    => $this->getAttribute('openFirst'),
-            'listMaxWidth' => $this->getAttribute('listMaxWidth'),
-            'entries'      => $entries
+            'stayOpen'             => \boolval($this->getAttribute('stayOpen')),
+            'openFirst'            => $this->getAttribute('openFirst'),
+            'listMaxWidth'         => $this->getAttribute('listMaxWidth'),
+            'entries'              => $entries,
+            'useFaqStructuredData' => $this->getAttribute('useFaqStructuredData'),