diff --git a/bin/Controls/backend/BrickList.css b/bin/Controls/backend/BrickList.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b69962fdbb2efecdb7837c8550ac985e164bafe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/Controls/backend/BrickList.css
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+.quiqqer-bricks-brickList {
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
diff --git a/bin/Controls/backend/BrickList.js b/bin/Controls/backend/BrickList.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..382b482b7b3fc894e4d1766dca552e97e966f93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/Controls/backend/BrickList.js
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ * @module package/quiqqer/bricks/bin/Controls/backend/BrickList
+ * @author www.pcsg.de (Henning Leutz)
+ */
+define('package/quiqqer/bricks/bin/Controls/backend/BrickList', [
+    'qui/QUI',
+    'qui/controls/Control',
+    'controls/projects/Select',
+    'controls/grid/Grid',
+    'Locale',
+    'Projects',
+    'Ajax',
+    'package/quiqqer/bricks/bin/Bricks',
+    'css!package/quiqqer/bricks/bin/Controls/backend/BrickList.css'
+], function (QUI, QUIControl, ProjectSelect, Grid, QUILocale, Projects, QUIAjax, Bricks) {
+    "use strict";
+    var lg = 'quiqqer/bricks';
+    return new Class({
+        Extends: QUIControl,
+        Type   : 'package/quiqqer/bricks/bin/Controls/backend/BrickList',
+        Binds: [
+            '$onCreate',
+            '$onInject',
+            '$onDblClick',
+            'refresh'
+        ],
+        options: {
+            project : false,
+            lang    : false,
+            styles  : false,
+            multiple: true
+        },
+        initialize: function (options) {
+            this.parent(options);
+            this.$isLoaded  = false;
+            this.$Container = null;
+            this.addEvents({
+                onInject: this.$onInject
+            });
+        },
+        create: function () {
+            var Elm = this.parent();
+            Elm.set({
+                'data-quiid': this.getId(),
+                'data-qui'  : 'package/quiqqer/bricks/bin/Controls/backend/BrickList'
+            });
+            Elm.addClass('quiqqer-bricks-brickList');
+            if (this.getAttribute('styles')) {
+                Elm.setStyles(this.getAttribute('styles'));
+            }
+            this.$ProjectSelect = new ProjectSelect({
+                styles: {
+                    marginBottom: 10,
+                    width       : '100%'
+                },
+                events: {
+                    onChange: this.refresh
+                }
+            });
+            if (this.getAttribute('project')) {
+                this.$ProjectSelect.setAttribute('project', this.getAttribute('project'));
+            }
+            if (this.getAttribute('lang')) {
+                this.$ProjectSelect.setAttribute('lang', this.getAttribute('lang'));
+            }
+            this.$ProjectSelect.inject(Elm);
+            this.$Container = new Element('div').inject(Elm);
+            if (this.getAttribute('styles')) {
+                this.$Container.setStyles(this.getAttribute('styles'));
+            }
+            this.$Grid = new Grid(this.$Container, {
+                columnModel      : [{
+                    header   : QUILocale.get('quiqqer/quiqqer', 'id'),
+                    dataIndex: 'id',
+                    dataType : 'integer',
+                    width    : 40
+                }, {
+                    header   : QUILocale.get('quiqqer/quiqqer', 'title'),
+                    dataIndex: 'title',
+                    dataType : 'string',
+                    width    : 140
+                }, {
+                    header   : QUILocale.get('quiqqer/quiqqer', 'description'),
+                    dataIndex: 'description',
+                    dataType : 'string',
+                    width    : 300
+                }, {
+                    header   : QUILocale.get(lg, 'brick.type'),
+                    dataIndex: 'type',
+                    dataType : 'string',
+                    width    : 200
+                }],
+                multipleSelection: this.getAttribute('multiple'),
+                pagination       : true
+            });
+            this.$Grid.addEvents({
+                onRefresh : this.refresh,
+                onDblClick: this.$onDblClick
+            });
+            this.$isLoaded = true;
+            return Elm;
+        },
+        $onInject: function () {
+            this.$Grid.setHeight(this.$Container.getSize().y);
+            this.refresh();
+        },
+        /**
+         * Refresh the panel data
+         */
+        refresh: function () {
+            if (!this.$isLoaded) {
+                return Promise.resolve();
+            }
+            if (!this.$Elm) {
+                return Promise.resolve();
+            }
+            var self  = this,
+                value = this.$ProjectSelect.getValue().split(',');
+            this.$ProjectSelect.disable();
+            this.$Grid.showLoader();
+            return Bricks.getBricksFromProject(value[0], value[1]).then(function (result) {
+                var options = self.$Grid.options,
+                    page    = parseInt(options.page),
+                    perPage = parseInt(options.perPage),
+                    start   = (page - 1) * perPage;
+                self.$Grid.setData({
+                    data : result.slice(start, start + perPage),
+                    page : page,
+                    total: result.length
+                });
+                self.$ProjectSelect.enable();
+                self.$Grid.hideLoader();
+            });
+        },
+        /**
+         * @return {Object}
+         */
+        getValue: function () {
+            return this.$Grid.getSelectedData();
+        },
+        $onDblClick: function () {
+            this.fireEvent('dblClick', [this]);
+        }
+    });
diff --git a/bin/Controls/backend/BrickSelectWindow.js b/bin/Controls/backend/BrickSelectWindow.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20f42a3644ae4917fb43fa22c7018c8e3f066b3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/Controls/backend/BrickSelectWindow.js
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * @module package/quiqqer/bricks/bin/Controls/backend/BrickSelectWindow
+ * @author www.pcsg.de (Henning Leutz)
+ */
+define('package/quiqqer/bricks/bin/Controls/backend/BrickSelectWindow', [
+    'qui/QUI',
+    'qui/controls/windows/Confirm',
+    'Locale'
+], function (QUI, QUIConfirm, QUILocale) {
+    "use strict";
+    var lg = 'quiqqer/bricks';
+    return new Class({
+        Extends: QUIConfirm,
+        Type   : 'package/quiqqer/bricks/bin/Controls/backend/BrickSelectWindow',
+        Binds: [
+            '$onOpen'
+        ],
+        options: {
+            project: false,
+            lang   : false
+        },
+        initialize: function (options) {
+            // defaults
+            this.setAttributes({
+                maxHeight: 800,
+                maxWidth : 800,
+                icon     : 'fa fa-cubes',
+                title    : QUILocale.get(lg, 'window.brick.select.title')
+            });
+            this.parent(options);
+            this.$BricksSelect = null;
+            this.addEvents({
+                onOpen: this.$onOpen
+            });
+        },
+        /**
+         * event: on open
+         *
+         * @param Win
+         */
+        $onOpen: function (Win) {
+            var self = this;
+            Win.Loader.show();
+            Win.getContent().set('html', '');
+            require([
+                'package/quiqqer/bricks/bin/Controls/backend/BrickList'
+            ], function (BrickList) {
+                self.$BricksSelect = new BrickList({
+                    project : self.getAttribute('project'),
+                    lang    : self.getAttribute('lang'),
+                    multiple: self.getAttribute('multiple'),
+                    styles  : {
+                        height: '100%'
+                    },
+                    events  : {
+                        onDblClick: function () {
+                            self.submit();
+                        }
+                    }
+                }).inject(Win.getContent());
+                Win.Loader.hide();
+            });
+        },
+        /**
+         * submit, fires onSubmit
+         */
+        submit: function () {
+            this.fireEvent('submit', [this, this.$BricksSelect.getValue()]);
+            if (this.getAttribute('autoclose')) {
+                this.close();
+            }
+        }
+    });
diff --git a/bin/Manager.js b/bin/Manager.js
index 45a51b6a9866b53f975a3f4cd54556bd8021de75..d497c578dbce8f21bbf97ca3af1ddee8a683d320 100644
--- a/bin/Manager.js
+++ b/bin/Manager.js
@@ -238,17 +238,17 @@ define('package/quiqqer/bricks/bin/Manager', [
             this.$Grid = new Grid(Container, {
                 columnModel      : [{
-                    header   : QUILocale.get('quiqqer/system', 'id'),
+                    header   : QUILocale.get('quiqqer/quiqqer', 'id'),
                     dataIndex: 'id',
                     dataType : 'integer',
                     width    : 40
                 }, {
-                    header   : QUILocale.get('quiqqer/system', 'title'),
+                    header   : QUILocale.get('quiqqer/quiqqer', 'title'),
                     dataIndex: 'title',
                     dataType : 'string',
                     width    : 140
                 }, {
-                    header   : QUILocale.get('quiqqer/system', 'description'),
+                    header   : QUILocale.get('quiqqer/quiqqer', 'description'),
                     dataIndex: 'description',
                     dataType : 'string',
                     width    : 300
diff --git a/locale.xml b/locale.xml
index 2a14cbee527a7e6584d94ffeae452aeb3c78deb2..79a93b3992df0cfae911fa83809eec8f03801b87 100644
--- a/locale.xml
+++ b/locale.xml
@@ -1197,6 +1197,11 @@ M&ouml;chten Sie die Bausteine aus der Bausteinzone entfernen?</p>]]></de>
+        <locale name="window.brick.select.title">
+            <de><![CDATA[Bausteinauswahl]]></de>
+            <en><![CDATA[Brick selection]]></en>
+        </locale>
     <groups name="quiqqer/bricks" datatype="js,php">
@@ -1462,7 +1467,8 @@ M&ouml;chten Sie die Bausteine aus der Bausteinzone entfernen?</p>]]></de>
             <en><![CDATA[Bricks: Text with image in boxes]]></en>
         <locale name="bricks.BoxContentAdvanced.description">
-            <de><![CDATA[Inhalte werden in Boxen nebeneinander gestellt und besitzen verschieden Templates und Einstellungsmöglichkeiten.]]></de>
+            <de>
+                <![CDATA[Inhalte werden in Boxen nebeneinander gestellt und besitzen verschieden Templates und Einstellungsmöglichkeiten.]]></de>
             <en><![CDATA[Show the contents in boxes next to each other. The brick has different templates..]]></en>
         <locale name="bricks.BoxContentAdvanced.template">
diff --git a/src/QUI/Bricks/Events.php b/src/QUI/Bricks/Events.php
index 6bed20e0e40891b45afbd4944e6343c219b6425f..d711594cbf160810f70ab62d42387be2d8059ae4 100644
--- a/src/QUI/Bricks/Events.php
+++ b/src/QUI/Bricks/Events.php
@@ -287,19 +287,6 @@ public static function onPackageSetup(QUI\Package\Package $Package)
-        // unique id patch
-        $php = 'php';
-        if (\defined('PHP_BINARY')) {
-            $php = PHP_BINARY;
-        }
-        try {
-            \shell_exec($php.' '.OPT_DIR.'quiqqer/bricks/patches/uniqueIds.php');
-        } catch (\Exception $Exception) {
-            QUI\System\Log::writeException($Exception);
-        }
     //region output filter