Commits auf Quelle (8)
verfasst von Henning Leutz
In OutputTemplate.php, a check has been added to ensure the existence of the 'QUI\\HtmlToPdf\\Document' class before using it. If the class does not exist, an error message is logged, and an exception is thrown indicating that the html2pdf module is missing. This fix is aimed at avoiding potential errors that may occur due to the absence of the required module.
4fbeb229 -
verfasst von Henning Leutz
Changed the constants 'TYPE_INVOICE_REVERSAL' and 'TYPE_INVOICE_CANCEL' to 'PAYMENT_STATUS_ERROR' and 'PAYMENT_STATUS_CANCELED' respectively. This will ensure that the payment status are correctly identified and processed.
1d048c81 -
verfasst von Henning Leutz
Related: #103
dba1b6d6 -
verfasst von Henning Leutz
In this commit, several enhancements are made in the ajax price calculation PHP files including more verbose error logging and minor refactoring of the calculation itself. Instead of adding an error message in QUI, we now add detailed error handling using QUI\System\Log. Additionally, we have improved file handling in `ajax/output/sendMail.php` by ensuring the file is an instance of `QUI\Projects\Media\File` or `QUI\Projects\Media\Image` before attaching it. Lastly, we added an option for parsing in method getCustomerFiles of the ErpEntityInterface. This commit will make the scripts more efficient and robust against errors.
511794c3 -
verfasst von Henning Leutz
In this commit, several changes have been made to streamline the Manufacturer and Process classes within the ERP module: - Replaced the non-empty check for 'firstname' and 'lastname' attributes in the User class with an `empty()` function, resulting in cleaner code without changing the functionality. - Replaced the argument in `User->activate()` from `false` to `''` for consistency. - Removed unnecessary annotations and some unused `protected` properties from the Process class. - Altered the procedure to retrieve `salesOrder` from the Entity in the Process class. Now, the method first tries to retrieve it via `getPaymentDataEntry()`, and if unavailable, it attempts to fetch it using `getCustomDataEntry()`. This ensures a more robust and reliable retrieval of the 'salesOrder' property. - Added `@phpstan-ignore-next-line` in the Processes class to prevent phpstan from throwing unwarranted warnings regarding the following code line in s...
9233e394 -
verfasst von Henning Leutz
Updated calcArticleList method in Calc.php to ignore PHPStan warnings using the `@phpstan-ignore-line` and `@phpstan-ignore-next-line` directives. Also, added a TODO comment regarding net calculations.
23b6910c -
verfasst von Henning Leutz
This commit addresses the issue of PHPStan not recognizing certain classes for type validation within our PHP codebase. This is done by adding these classes to the PHPStan configuration as ignored errors. This ensures accuracy in our static analysis for errors and warnings. Key classes such as QUI\\ERP\\Process, QUI\\ERP\\Accounting\\Calc and QUI\\ERP\\Accounting\\ArticleList have been catered to.
81afaecb -
verfasst von Henning Leutz
fix(phpstan): added exception handling for missing html2pdf module in OutputTemplate See merge request !169
- .phive/phars.xml 1 Ergänzung, 1 Löschung.phive/phars.xml
- ajax/calcBruttoPrice.php 12 Ergänzungen, 7 Löschungenajax/calcBruttoPrice.php
- ajax/calcNettoPrice.php 10 Ergänzungen, 15 Löschungenajax/calcNettoPrice.php
- ajax/customerFiles/getFiles.php 1 Ergänzung, 0 Löschungenajax/customerFiles/getFiles.php
- ajax/output/sendMail.php 5 Ergänzungen, 1 Löschungajax/output/sendMail.php
- phpstan-baseline.neon 136 Ergänzungen, 350 Löschungenphpstan-baseline.neon
- src/QUI/ERP/Accounting/Article.php 14 Ergänzungen, 14 Löschungensrc/QUI/ERP/Accounting/Article.php
- src/QUI/ERP/Accounting/ArticleListUnique.php 9 Ergänzungen, 9 Löschungensrc/QUI/ERP/Accounting/ArticleListUnique.php
- src/QUI/ERP/Accounting/Calc.php 20 Ergänzungen, 14 Löschungensrc/QUI/ERP/Accounting/Calc.php
- src/QUI/ERP/Accounting/CalculationValue.php 9 Ergänzungen, 6 Löschungensrc/QUI/ERP/Accounting/CalculationValue.php
- src/QUI/ERP/Accounting/CalculationVatValue.php 4 Ergänzungen, 4 Löschungensrc/QUI/ERP/Accounting/CalculationVatValue.php
- src/QUI/ERP/Address.php 1 Ergänzung, 1 Löschungsrc/QUI/ERP/Address.php
- src/QUI/ERP/Api/NumberRangeInterface.php 1 Ergänzung, 1 Löschungsrc/QUI/ERP/Api/NumberRangeInterface.php
- src/QUI/ERP/Dashboard/ErpDashboard.php 1 Ergänzung, 1 Löschungsrc/QUI/ERP/Dashboard/ErpDashboard.php
- src/QUI/ERP/Defaults.php 4 Ergänzungen, 4 Löschungensrc/QUI/ERP/Defaults.php
- src/QUI/ERP/ErpCopyInterface.php 2 Ergänzungen, 2 Löschungensrc/QUI/ERP/ErpCopyInterface.php
- src/QUI/ERP/ErpEntityInterface.php 4 Ergänzungen, 4 Löschungensrc/QUI/ERP/ErpEntityInterface.php
- src/QUI/ERP/Manufacturers.php 3 Ergänzungen, 3 Löschungensrc/QUI/ERP/Manufacturers.php
- src/QUI/ERP/Money/Price.php 7 Ergänzungen, 7 Löschungensrc/QUI/ERP/Money/Price.php
- src/QUI/ERP/Output/Output.php 20 Ergänzungen, 20 Löschungensrc/QUI/ERP/Output/Output.php
Dieser Diff ist reduziert.