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  • quiqqer/coupons
1 Ergebnis
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Commits auf Quelle (18)
# Ignore developer files when exporting
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# Remove the entire phpunit-php8.1 block, to allow PHPUnit to run on PHP 8.1 in your pipeline
- when: never
# Remove the entire phpunit-php8.2 block, to allow PHPUnit to run on PHP 8.2 in your pipeline
- when: never
# Remove the entire phpunit-php8.3 block, to allow PHPUnit to run on PHP 8.3 in your pipeline
- when: never
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# Contributing
This package follows the [QUIQQER contribution guidelines](
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -29,3 +29,26 @@ div + .quiqqer-coupons-field {
.quiqqer-coupons-remove .fa {
margin-right: 0;
* Simple Checkout
.quiqqer-coupons-field-simpleCheckout {
margin-top: 20px;
margin-left: 0 !important;
.quiqqer-coupons-field-simpleCheckout .quiqqer-coupons-couponcodeinput {
background: var(--_sectionBgColor);
display: flex;
padding: var(--_sectionPadding);
.quiqqer-coupons-field-simpleCheckout .quiqqer-coupons-couponcodeinput label {
flex-grow: 1;
.quiqqer-coupons-field-simpleCheckout .quiqqer-coupons-couponcodeinput-input {
width: calc(100% - 1rem);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -20,25 +20,25 @@ define('package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput', [
], function (QUI, QUIControl, QUILoader, Sessions, CouponCodes, QUIAjax, QUILocale, Mustache, template) {
"use strict";
], function(QUI, QUIControl, QUILoader, Sessions, CouponCodes, QUIAjax, QUILocale, Mustache, template) {
'use strict';
var lg = 'quiqqer/coupons';
return new Class({
Extends: QUIControl,
Type : 'package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput',
Type: 'package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput',
Binds: [
initialize: function (options) {
initialize: function(options) {
this.$Input = null;
this.Loader = new QUILoader();
this.$Input = null;
this.Loader = new QUILoader();
this.$running = false;
......@@ -49,23 +49,27 @@ define('package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput', [
* Event: onInject
$onInject: function () {
var self = this;
$onInject: function() {
var self = this;
var lgPrefix = 'controls.frontend.CouponCodeInput.template.';
if (this.$Elm.getParent('[data-name="quiqqer-simple-checkout"]')) {
this.$Elm.set('html', Mustache.render(template, {
labelInput : QUILocale.get(lg, lgPrefix + 'labelInput'),
labelInput: QUILocale.get(lg, lgPrefix + 'labelInput'),
labelInputPlaceholder: QUILocale.get(lg, lgPrefix + 'labelInputPlaceholder'),
submitBtnText : QUILocale.get(lg, lgPrefix + 'submitBtnText')
submitBtnText: QUILocale.get(lg, lgPrefix + 'submitBtnText')
this.$Input = this.$Elm.getElement('input[name="code"]');
this.$Input.addEvent('keyup', function (event) {
this.$Input.addEvent('keyup', function(event) {
if (event.code === 13) {
......@@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ define('package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput', [
).addEvent('click', function (event) {
).addEvent('click', function(event) {
......@@ -81,23 +85,23 @@ define('package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput', [
if (this.isInOrder()) {
var OrderProcess = this.getOrderProcess();
new Promise(function (resolve) {
new Promise(function(resolve) {
if (!OrderProcess.isLoaded()) {
return OrderProcess.addEvent('onLoad', resolve);
}).then(function () {
}).then(function() {
if (OrderProcess.getAttribute('basketEditable') === false) {
// remove coupon codes button
new Element('button', {
'class': 'quiqqer-coupons-remove',
'html' : '<span class="fa fa-close"></span>',
title : QUILocale.get(lg, ''),
events : {
click: function (e) {
'html': '<span class="fa fa-close"></span>',
title: QUILocale.get(lg, ''),
events: {
click: function(e) {
self.removeCouponsFromOrder().catch(function (e) {
self.removeCouponsFromOrder().catch(function(e) {
......@@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ define('package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput', [
* Submit a CouponCode
$submit: function () {
$submit: function() {
if (this.$running) {
......@@ -127,18 +131,56 @@ define('package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput', [
this.$running = true;;
// simple order
const SimpleCheckoutNode = this.getElm().getParent('[data-name="quiqqer-simple-checkout"]');
if (SimpleCheckoutNode) {
const SimpleCheckout = QUI.Controls.getById(SimpleCheckoutNode.get('data-quiid'));
let orderHash = window.location.hash.substring(1);
if (!orderHash || orderHash === '') {
orderHash = SimpleCheckout.getAttribute('orderHash');
QUIAjax.get('package_quiqqer_order-simple-checkout_ajax_frontend_getOrder', (response) => {
CouponCodes.addCouponCodeToBasket(code, response.order.uuid).then(() => {
if (SimpleCheckout) {
SimpleCheckout.$refreshBasket().then(() => {
this.$running = false;
this.$running = false;
}).catch((err) => {
this.$running = false;
}, {
'package': 'quiqqer/order-simple-checkout',
orderHash: orderHash
// get order process
if (!this.isInOrder()) {
QUIAjax.get('package_quiqqer_order_ajax_frontend_basket_getLastOrder', function (order) {
CouponCodes.addCouponCodeToBasket(code, order.hash).then(function (redeemed) {
QUIAjax.get('package_quiqqer_order_ajax_frontend_basket_getLastOrder', function(order) {
CouponCodes.addCouponCodeToBasket(code, order.hash).then(function(redeemed) {
if (!redeemed) {
self.$running = false;
self.$addCouponCodeToSession(code).then(function () {
QUIAjax.get('package_quiqqer_order_ajax_frontend_basket_getOrderProcessUrl', function (url) {
self.$addCouponCodeToSession(code).then(function() {
QUIAjax.get('package_quiqqer_order_ajax_frontend_basket_getOrderProcessUrl', function(url) {
window.location = url + '?coupon=' + code;
}, {
'package': 'quiqqer/order'
......@@ -156,9 +198,9 @@ define('package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput', [;
OrderProcess.getOrder().then(function (orderHash) {
OrderProcess.getOrder().then(function(orderHash) {
return CouponCodes.addCouponCodeToBasket(code, orderHash);
}).then(function (redeemed) {
}).then(function(redeemed) {
self.$running = false;
if (redeemed === false) {
......@@ -167,7 +209,7 @@ define('package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput', [
self.$addCouponCodeToSession(code).then(function () {
self.$addCouponCodeToSession(code).then(function() {
......@@ -178,15 +220,15 @@ define('package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput', [
* @param code
* @return {Promise}
$addCouponCodeToSession: function (code) {
return Sessions.get('quiqqer-coupons').then(function (coupons) {
$addCouponCodeToSession: function(code) {
return Sessions.get('quiqqer-coupons').then(function(coupons) {
if (!coupons || typeOf(coupons) !== 'array') {
coupons = [];
coupons = coupons.filter(function (value, index, self) {
coupons = coupons.filter(function(value, index, self) {
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
......@@ -198,7 +240,7 @@ define('package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput', [
* Is the coupon in the order process?
* @return {boolean}
isInOrder: function () {
isInOrder: function() {
var OrderProcessNode = this.getElm().getParent(
......@@ -211,7 +253,7 @@ define('package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput', [
* @return {Object}
getOrderProcess: function () {
getOrderProcess: function() {
var OrderProcessNode = this.getElm().getParent(
......@@ -224,19 +266,19 @@ define('package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput', [
* @return {Promise}
removeCouponsFromOrder: function () {
removeCouponsFromOrder: function() {
if (!this.isInOrder()) {
return Promise.resolve();
var self = this;
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
var OrderProcess = self.getOrderProcess();;
OrderProcess.getOrder().then(function (orderHash) {
QUIAjax.get('package_quiqqer_coupons_ajax_frontend_removeCoupons', function () {
OrderProcess.getOrder().then(function(orderHash) {
QUIAjax.get('package_quiqqer_coupons_ajax_frontend_removeCoupons', function() {
}, {
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"action": "\\CaptainHook\\App\\Hook\\PHP\\Action\\Linting"
"action": "composer test"
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"name": "quiqqer/coupons",
"type": "quiqqer-module",
"description": "Coupons for QUIQQER",
"license": "GPL-3.0+",
"authors": [
"name": "Patrick M\u00fcller",
"email": "",
"homepage": "",
"role": "Developer"
"name": "quiqqer/coupons",
"type": "quiqqer-module",
"description": "Coupons for QUIQQER",
"license": "GPL-3.0+",
"authors": [
"name": "Patrick Müller",
"email": "",
"homepage": "",
"role": "Developer"
"support": {
"email": ""
"require": {
"quiqqer/core": "^2",
"quiqqer/erp": "^3.2",
"quiqqer/discount": "^2",
"quiqqer/products": "^2",
"quiqqer/order": "^2"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"QUI\\ERP\\Coupons\\": "src/QUI/ERP/Coupons"
"scripts": {
"test": [
"dev:phpunit": "./tools/phpunit",
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"dev:lint:phpstan": "./tools/phpstan",
"dev:lint:style": "./tools/phpcs",
"dev:lint:style:fix": "./tools/phpcbf",
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"dev:init:check-requirements": [
"which composer > /dev/null || (echo 'Error: composer has to be globally installed'; exit 1)",
"which phive > /dev/null || (echo 'Error: PHIVE has to be globally installed'; exit 1)"
"dev:init:tools": "phive install --temporary",
"dev:init:git-hooks": "./tools/captainhook install --only-enabled --force"
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"test": [
"scripts-descriptions": {
"test": "Runs linting, static analysis, and unit tests.",
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"dev:lint:phpstan": "Run PHPStan",
"dev:lint:style": "Run code style check (PHP_CodeSniffer)",
"dev:lint:style:fix": "Try to fix code style errors automatically",
"dev:init": "Initialize the developer tooling (tools and git hooks)",
"dev:init:check-requirements": "Check if the necessary requirements are met",
"dev:init:tools": "Install all developer tools (requires PHIVE)",
"dev:init:git-hooks": "Install all git hooks (may require tools to be installed)"
"support": {
"email": ""
"require": {
"quiqqer/core": "^2",
"quiqqer/erp": "^3.2",
"quiqqer/discount": "^2",
"quiqqer/products": "^2"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"QUI\\ERP\\Coupons\\": "src/QUI/ERP/Coupons"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -42,4 +42,7 @@
<event on="onQuiqqerOrderSuccessful" fire="\QUI\ERP\Coupons\Events::removeCouponsFromSession"/>
<event on="onQuiqqer::order::orderProcessFinish" fire="\QUI\ERP\Coupons\Events::removeCouponsFromSession"/>
<event on="onQuiqqerMigrationV2" fire="\QUI\ERP\Coupons\Events::onQuiqqerMigrationV2"/>
<!-- simple order compatibility -->
<event on="onQuiqqer::simple::order::basket::middle" fire="\QUI\ERP\Coupons\Events::templateOrderSimpleOrder"/>
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message: "#^Call to an undefined method QUI\\\\ERP\\\\Products\\\\Interfaces\\\\PriceFactorInterface\\:\\:setVat\\(\\)\\.$#"
count: 1
path: ajax/backend/getCouponPrice.php
message: "#^Dead catch \\- Exception is never thrown in the try block\\.$#"
count: 1
path: ajax/delete.php
message: "#^Call to an undefined method QUI\\\\ERP\\\\Products\\\\Interfaces\\\\PriceFactorInterface\\:\\:setVat\\(\\)\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/ERP/Coupons/CouponCode.php
message: "#^Method QUI\\\\ERP\\\\Coupons\\\\CouponCode\\:\\:getDiscounts\\(\\) should return array\\<QUI\\\\ERP\\\\Discount\\\\Discount\\> but returns array\\<int\\<0, max\\>, QUI\\\\CRUD\\\\Child\\>\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/ERP/Coupons/CouponCode.php
message: "#^Offset 'standard' on array\\{title\\: array\\{de\\: 'Gutschein \\- Versand', en\\: 'Coupon delivery'\\}, type\\: 'ProductAttributeList', public\\: true, standard\\: false, requiredField\\: true, options\\: array\\{entries\\: array\\{array\\{title\\: array\\{de\\: 'per E \\- Mail', en\\: 'via email'\\}, sum\\: 0, type\\: 2, selected\\: true, userinput\\: false\\}, array\\{title\\: array\\{de\\: 'per Post', en\\: 'via mail'\\}, sum\\: 0, type\\: 2, selected\\: false, userinput\\: false\\}\\}\\}\\}\\|array\\{title\\: array\\{de\\: 'Gutschein Wert', en\\: 'Coupon amount'\\}, type\\: 'FloatType', public\\: false, standard\\: false, requiredField\\: true\\}\\|array\\{title\\: array\\{de\\: 'Gutschein\\-Code als…', en\\: 'Provide coupon code…'\\}, description\\: array\\{de\\: 'Der Gutschein wird…', en\\: 'The coupon is also…'\\}, type\\: 'BoolType', public\\: false, standard\\: false, requiredField\\: false\\}\\|array\\{title\\: array\\{de\\: 'Gutschein\\-Code ist…', en\\: 'Coupon code is…'\\}, description\\: array\\{de\\: 'Übertragbare…', en\\: 'Transferable…'\\}, type\\: 'BoolType', public\\: false, standard\\: false, requiredField\\: false\\}\\|array\\{title\\: array\\{de\\: 'Gutschein\\-Code per…', en\\: 'Send coupon code…'\\}, description\\: array\\{de\\: 'Der Gutschein\\-Code…', en\\: 'The coupon code is…'\\}, type\\: 'BoolType', public\\: false, standard\\: false, requiredField\\: false\\}\\|array\\{title\\: array\\{de\\: 'Gutschein\\-Code…', en\\: 'Coupon code…'\\}, type\\: 'IntType', public\\: false, standard\\: false, requiredField\\: true\\}\\|array\\{title\\: array\\{de\\: 'Gutschein…', en\\: 'Coupon description'\\}, description\\: array\\{de\\: 'Diese Beschreibung…', en\\: 'This description…'\\}, type\\: 'InputMultiLang', public\\: false, standard\\: false, requiredField\\: false\\}\\|array\\{title\\: array\\{de\\: 'Ist Einzweck…', en\\: 'Is single purpose…'\\}, description\\: array\\{de\\: 'Einzweck\\-Gutscheine…', en\\: 'Single\\-purpose…'\\}, type\\: 'BoolType', public\\: false, standard\\: false, requiredField\\: false\\}\\|array\\{title\\: array\\{de\\: 'Kunde darf…', en\\: 'Customer can choose…'\\}, description\\: array\\{de\\: 'Ist diese Funktion…', en\\: 'if this option is…'\\}, type\\: 'BoolType', public\\: false, standard\\: false, requiredField\\: false\\} in empty\\(\\) always exists and is always falsy\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/ERP/Coupons/Events.php
message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$id of static method QUI\\\\ERP\\\\Coupons\\\\Handler\\:\\:getCouponCode\\(\\) expects int, string\\|false given\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/ERP/Coupons/Handler.php
message: "#^Call to method createPDF\\(\\) on an unknown class QUI\\\\HtmlToPdf\\\\Document\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/ERP/Coupons/Products/Handler.php
message: "#^Call to method setAttribute\\(\\) on an unknown class QUI\\\\HtmlToPdf\\\\Document\\.$#"
count: 7
path: src/QUI/ERP/Coupons/Products/Handler.php
message: "#^Call to method setContentHTML\\(\\) on an unknown class QUI\\\\HtmlToPdf\\\\Document\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/ERP/Coupons/Products/Handler.php
message: "#^Call to method setFooterHTML\\(\\) on an unknown class QUI\\\\HtmlToPdf\\\\Document\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/ERP/Coupons/Products/Handler.php
message: "#^Call to method setHeaderHTML\\(\\) on an unknown class QUI\\\\HtmlToPdf\\\\Document\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/ERP/Coupons/Products/Handler.php
message: "#^Instantiated class QUI\\\\HtmlToPdf\\\\Document not found\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/ERP/Coupons/Products/Handler.php
message: "#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/ERP/Coupons/Products/Handler.php
message: "#^Parameter \\#1 \\$key of method QUI\\\\ERP\\\\Accounting\\\\Article\\:\\:getCustomField\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/QUI/ERP/Coupons/Products/Handler.php
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ includes:
- phpstan-baseline.neon
level: 1
level: 5
- src
- ajax
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......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
use function is_string;
use function json_decode;
use function json_encode;
use function method_exists;
* Class Events
......@@ -63,12 +64,12 @@ public static function onAdminLoadFooter(): void
* @param Collector $Collector
* @param mixed $Basket
* @param AbstractOrder|null $Order
* @param mixed $Order
public static function templateOrderProcessBasketEnd(
Collector $Collector,
mixed $Basket,
AbstractOrder $Order = null
mixed $Order = null
): void {
if (
!($Basket instanceof Basket)
......@@ -96,6 +97,26 @@ public static function templateOrderProcessBasketEnd(
public static function templateOrderSimpleOrder(
Collector $Collector,
AbstractOrder $Order
): void {
if ($Order instanceof QUI\ERP\Order\OrderInProcess && isset($_GET['coupon'])) {
try {
$code = Handler::sanitizeCode($_GET['coupon']);
$CouponCode = Handler::getCouponCodeByCode($code);
} catch (Exception) {
'<div data-qui="package/quiqqer/coupons/bin/frontend/controls/CouponCodeInput"></div>'
* @param QUI\ERP\Order\OrderProcess $OrderProcess
* @throws QUI\ERP\Order\Exception
......@@ -193,7 +214,9 @@ public static function onQuiqqerOrderBasketRemovePos(
$Order->setData('quiqqer-coupons', $orderCoupons);
try {
if (method_exists($Order, 'save')) {
} catch (QUI\Exception) {
if (!defined('QUIQQER_SYSTEM')) {
define('QUIQQER_SYSTEM', true);
if (!defined('QUIQQER_AJAX')) {
define('QUIQQER_AJAX', true);
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../bootstrap.php';