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This plugin enables seamless integration of TailwindCSS into QUIQQER projects by replacing of existing CSS classes in QUIQQER Controls with TailwindCSS utilities.
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Signs all requests send from the frontend to protect the backend from malicious third party requests
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The QUIQQER CSRF module secures your QUIQQER application against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.
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The Node.js integration module for QUIQQER allows you to efficiently utilize Node.js in your web projects based on the QUIQQER platform.
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QUIQQER / Stabilization / CI and CD Components / GitLab Repository Manager API
CI/CD Catalog projectCI/CD components to interact with the QUIQQER Stabilization: GitLab Repository Manager REST API
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PHP CLI, Docker image & CI/CD component to manage QUIQQER stabilization branches
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CLI tools to manage GitLab repositories for QUIQQER stabilization
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CI/CD Meta-Component that bundles all components required for a QUIQQER package.
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QUIQQER / Stabilization / CI and CD Components / Validate Required Package Files
CI/CD Catalog projectCI/CD component that validates all files that are required for a QUIQQER package
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CI/CD component to run PHPUnit (on QUIQQER packages)
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CI component to validate composer.json files
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CI/CD component to release versions based on commit messages